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My first in about one week

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  • OrbitingDeath changed the title to My first in about one week

Loving the look of this graphic!  Though the blue from the Avalanche jersey isn't in the Marauders logo, it works extremely well, to the point I'd want to change the Marauders hat to match this color.  Obviously the Joe Sakic player render is the correct choice and the text used for the player name is very nice!  The flag in the background looks really good.  I would have tried to put the team logo on it rather than the generic skull and bones but this way helps your focus stay on the render.  The filter over everything brings it all together and gives it a unique comic book flair.  9/10!

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This is probably my favorite graphic from you, as it stands out as very unique and lots of detail. You have a render that fills out the sizing of the graphic, and the text is well chosen and blends so well. The pirate black bakground with some textures is all you need, and the filters you've applied to both the render and the general graphic is really what brings this together. You put a lot of effort into the jersey change with the color filters and the logo placements. Of course the eye patch is the cherry on top of a well structured sig. Good job!



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