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More naming and shaming

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Thank you to those volunteering information about your cup droughts which means I can extend my naming and shaming for 2 more TPE.

@McWolf – I actually don't know how I missed you, I distinctly recall going through your player pages but clearly forgot to actually add them up. 24 seasons means you're in a respectable third place unless someone else that I've missed steps up.

@mattyIceman – I suspect there may be others in the 16-20 season bracket which is in effect only two full careers and a bit. I think to be honest it's only a proper drought once you got 3 full careers with no cup so get going with Raikkonen.


@Ahma – I've decided to tally up what your drought was pre S89. It's not quite all time as Diego Jokinen won the cup with Helsinki in S55 but after that it was 6 seasons of Alvaro Jokinen, 8 seasons of Fernando Jokinen (just 2 playoff appearances by him....), 8 seasons of Tavau, and the first 2 seasons of David Jokinen. Plus the last 4 seasons of Diego, so 28 seasons in total. Not quite as bad STZ's ongoing streak but also pretty bad with a lot fewer finals too.

I wonder if anyone beats those numbers all time but I doubt I will actually get around to finding out.

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yeah that S55 Helsinki cup is really just an ugly blemish on my player history. Not the same as the elusive and magical Davos cup win.

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