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Editors Note: Stepping Down

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Hi everyone, this likely isn't a surprise to most of you, but I've made the decision to step down from my role of being VSN's Editor-in-Chief.


Having been in the role for just shy of 2 years, it has been a pleasure working with all of the writers, graphics team, and podcasters, thank you all. I just feel that there really isn't much more I can give VSN in my current role, I will however be staying on as a writer. I would like to thank @Mr_Hatter for his guidance and bringing me on as a VSN writer initially. I do believe that VSN does still have some room for growth and wouldn't be making this decision without someone who I feel can continue to grow VSN and bring a new life it. 


That person is...



I look forward to see the places you take VSN, I know you have a lot of great ideas, and I can't wait to see what you come up with! 


VSN is in good hands, and I'm very excited to see what the future brings!

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