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Claimed:Skates on the Ground: Part IV [Final 6/6]


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Skates on the Ground:



Shots You Take



The General had had a thought. He had liked his new thought. He had given his friend Fedir Okranitz a hug and had gone to beat up another hockey player. Then the time had come for George “The General” Patton to fight the good fight.  The game, and therefore the season, came to an end, and the time came for him to do just what the goalie had said. He had boarded a plane, and here he was in…


France. Mr. Patton landed at Aéroport de Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle (Paris’s Charles de Gaulle airport for those of you who speak the proper language). The General had never been to France. He did not want to be in France now. It was not as bad as a place as, say, Luxembourg, but that did not make him a fan of the baguette eating, beret wearing, French speaking idiots. Unfortunately for George “The General” Patton, he had stuck his finger randomly on a list of destinations, and he had ended up here. He wasn’t happy about it.


Luckily for him, he had things to do instead of being angry at the lazy, unshaven wine drinkers. He went to the Eiffel Tower, where he spent over nine dollars to climb as high as he could go. What a joke, he thought to himself. It doesn’t cost anything to climb the Washington Monument. Stupid French. Nevertheless, he had his bullhorn, and this was his unfortunate location.


“People of Paris! HYDRA exists! They—“ George “The General” Patton was interrupted by a fellow owner of bullhorn from below.


“You stupid American! We do not speak your stupid language! This is not stupid Romania!” This left George “The General” Patton with many questions. First of all, he was yelling at him in English that he didn’t speak English. Second, why was Romania stupid? The General had never met anyone from Romania, so he wasn’t going to judge just yet. Third, Americans, by virtue of being Americans, were not stupid. And finally, he was technically German. That’s what it said on his passport, at least.

“Ich bin deutsch, dummkopf!”


It was becoming clear that his finger was not a good way to choose a destination. It might be best to go somewhere where they spoke one of his languages, right? Or English, really. Apparently people on the internet weren’t fans of having to use Google Translate to read meaningless articles on a simulation hockey league.


He waited for the elevator down to the ground. It was taking much too long. It was an elevator, how slow could it be? Certainly slow enough to make him take the stairs, which he did. They were quiet, giving him time to think. Maybe it wasn’t enough to alert others to the danger. Maybe it would take a leader to stop the threat. Maybe the world needed a strong figure to stand Maybe the evil could only be stopped by a strong figure. Maybe he had to fight HYDRA himself.



Come back next week for…



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Content: 3/3

Great fun to read, made the word count. 


Grammar: 2/2 I didn't find much wrong. 

strong figure to stand. Maybe the evil could... - missed a period

Appearance: 1/1
There are a lot of photos. I approve.

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