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Why does Vancouver Suxx


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Vancouver as of right now are really playing like they don’t want to be here. Is there a chemistry issue in the locker room, is the backup goalie a bad influence for the other player. There are rumors that goaltender Soju was seen drinking in a bar and almost started a fight with a  motorcycle gang. At Least there is Pierre Marc Bouchard that was there and saved the situation. While Rip Wheeler, Logan Ninefingers and Bollos de Trueno were debating about why the hell is Roger Eagles so damn good. 


Right now the Vancouver Wolves after 10 games played they are 3 wins and 7 losses. Will they be able to turn around their seasons? Will Eagles be the nemesis of this team every game Los Angeles and Vancouver play together? 



This was Red interview  Panda coming to you live from the west coast. Next topic will be out next week about the famous Captain Curse of the Vancouver Wolves is it back? 


164 words 


@Greg_Di @Frank @Gaikoku-hito @Thunder @Scurvy @ScottyP

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1 hour ago, Thunder said:

Thunder pissed off Simon.  Apparently Simon is still mad.

I see a trade in the future if this continues much longer as we need to appease the STHS gods!!!

Mike Myers Evil Laugh GIF

Luckily for you I don`t have anything to do with trades for the most part!! So maybe @Frank will spare you!! And as @VattghernCZ likes to say:

let i hate everyone GIF

1 hour ago, Lemorse7 said:

At Least there is Pierre Marc Bouchard that was there and saved the situation

Actually I am more likely to be in there like a dirty sock drinking whiskey and making the situation worse!! LOL! I think the level headed on is @Girts as all he needs to do is look a people to get them to stop and can back it up with fist if required.


1 hour ago, Lemorse7 said:

While Rip Wheeler, Logan Ninefingers and Bollos de Trueno were debating about why the hell is Roger Eagles so damn good.

Curse of past players biting the Wolves in the butt but then again we trade enough players away that is this really a curse or something more expected!! LOL!!

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