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The time that @BOOM, @stevoand me started a band

It all happened after I posted a player signature on a wooden sign and I purposely labeled the topic 'the sign' referring to Ace of Base. Luckily i am not the only old bum on the forums and @BOOMrecognized it and started singing along. We got a couple of lines into the song before @stevo freestyled it into oblivion and we had to give up as the correct lyric streak was broken. Out of this randomness happened a truly glorious thing, a new band started and boom apparently is bringing fans on board as well. Hopefully more then 2 kangaroo's, some spiders and a koala, but we will see it once we get true live shows. Expect us to not only sing classics like 'The Sign', but also ' @BOOM @BOOM @BOOM @BOOM ' from the vengaboys, who of course dedicated the song to our own @BOOM


So we don't know what happen now we are taking off, but it is going to be great. And if not, at least I got some tpe out of this.

14 hours ago, OrbitingDeath said:

who did it drop then?

As I understand it they drop out of Eucalyptus trees on unsuspecting humans...

6 hours ago, Daniel Janser said:

As I understand it they drop out of Eucalyptus trees on unsuspecting humans...


Tbh, we don't actually know how they do it. No one has ever survived an attack so it's pure speculation.

It's starting to all take shape @OrbitingDeath  and @stevo




The Rock Can For the Heros

And Other Band Name Ideas

The Rock Can For the Heros
Germany Revival
Lord of the Rock Cats
My Techno Romance
Rage Against the Boom
Boobs Three
Of Men and Cats
The Techno Service
Taking Back Winter
Wild Rocking Cats
The Rocking Boobs
Rubbish Germany Cats
The Rocking Rock Heros
My Heart, Your Boobs
Boom for the Heros
The Rock OD Project
Boom Three
Puddle of Boom
Rocking Dolls
The Rock O Experience
Super Rock Cats
A Box of Boobs with Red Boom
Das Boom
Boom Failure
Techno Cats Dream
It's My Boom
OD and the Angry Boom
Flight of the Boobs
Rocking in Germany

The Kind of Songs Flight of the Boobs might record

Germany State of Mind
try it with Rap Generator
Our Rock Boom Love
try it with Love Song Generator
Our Winter Cats
This Love is Rock But It's Techno
If I was your Rock Boom
Master Of Germany
try it with Metal Song Generator
Edited by BOOM

I think with 'My Heart, Your Boobs' we put great emphasis on what we want our fanbase to be.

(please dont let it be overweight male boobs though)

2 hours ago, BOOM said:

Well, tbh I would like more emphasis on my brilliant band mates in the name. I'm hoping we can incorporate all 3 of us.


Ah you have not caught up on the secret symbolism then, let me explain. BOOM stands obviously for BOOM but OD and StevO are represented by the double O. Same with logical amendments for Boob.

11 hours ago, Daniel Janser said:

Ah you have not caught up on the secret symbolism then, let me explain. BOOM stands obviously for BOOM but OD and StevO are represented by the double O. Same with logical amendments for Boob.



8 hours ago, stevo said:

"I'm gonna make it in the music biz, Ma!"

Well if your band head is giving out freebies, you won't get rich from eat...

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