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Jardy Off The Wagon


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The VHL's resident simmer, and town drunk has recently fell of the wagon so to speak. Normally the Saskatchewan native who manages center Naomi Young manages to handle a crazy lifestyle balance of farming, drinking, simming, and then drinking. In that order of course. However after several days of repeated failed sims, speculation occurred that our very own Jardy had made a drastic change in his life pattern. 


After speaking with a close relative of his, Billy Joel Bunclewirth we have learned that Jardy has in fact given up both farming and drinking. The man entrusted with ensuring the games are here and on time has apparently found the lord and savior Jesus Christ, had a child, and moved into the mountains swearing off all technology and most of the ways of current society. We'll have more on this shocking development as we continue to uncover hidden information about the drastic change in the life of Jardy. 

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