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Wingate Slips to #3


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Calgary, AB -- In a turn of events that literally everyone saw coming, goaltender Hans Wingate, previously of the Minot Gladiators of the VHLM, slipped to third in the draft. Although Wingate entered the draft with the most TPE of any available draftee, he felt that the drop was coming due to positional fit.


"I thought originally that someone might try and trade with Stockholm for me, but once I saw the terms of the New York deal, I knew it wouldn't be there," Wingate said. "It makes sense - Calgary had arguably the biggest goalie need, and they were the first team to contact me, and I'm happy to go there."


Although Wingate was listed with 272 TPE at the draft, he says that the figure was actually a piece of misdirection, and he will actually be playing his first game with 335 TPE.


"Yeah, I waited a bit to update my practice hours chart," Wingate says. "I didn't want anyone looking to make a trade to give up the whole farm for me. And if I was going to fall to a team, I wanted it to be because of what I can do in the future."


The league as a whole, however, may be underrating what Wingate can do. Neither the VHL Magazine nor barely any people in the league's official pool predicted Wingate as a potential Rookie of the Year, and the VHL's Fantasy application did not even have him listed among goalies.


Will Wingate show them up? Perhaps, perhaps not. This year, he says, he only wants to grow as a player and gear up to take the spotlight as one of the league's best goalies next season.

Edited by CowboyinAmerica
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It's OK, I picked you for ROY.

Mainly because the two picks ahead of you are on meh teams and all of Stockholm's rookies probably won't be able to shine on such a deep roster.


I'm loved! Yeah, I put Demko myself, but I think I should be shortlist. Having Hill and King Czar should really help in that regard as compared to me just going to a completely bare team IMO

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