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Where Is Everybody?


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Pictured above is the Oslo Storm locker room.  To an unsuspecting observer it may seem that this is a very nice, high quality place.  What they don't know is that this is the picture of the locker room fifteen minutes before practice; a time when the locker room should be packed.  Oslo rookie Wes Babiy gave his thoughts on the matter, "It is obviously a little disheartening to get excited to come into the work everyday only to not see anyone.  The last time I saw someone in there was two days ago.  Seriously, where is everybody?"


Babiy wanted to make it expressly clear that he does not hold the locker room situation against anyone on his team personally.  "I really do like the majority of the team: Nezie, Gio, Bouch, even Sandro.  It's just that I am not particularly close with any one on the team, and I can't help but feel that is in part because we never really just hang out.  Relationships are formed in locker rooms (not those types of relationships) and I can't help but feel as though we are missing out a little from the whole team experience.  Joking around, bragging about your last work out, all of that stuff."


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