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My Case for Wozniak As MVP


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I dont know if you realize this, but GAA is largely a team stat and not an individual goalie stat. You could be the best goalie in the league and have a three GAA because your defence is putrid. That is not a fair stat to judge a goalie off of.

Second, if Tukio played against bad teams and did poorly, you cant just conveniently dismiss those stats. I could conveniently dismiss a few bad games for Labatte and call myself MVP too. That's not how it works.

So again, Wozniak has the stats on his side (far and away if you ask me) and the success with a weaker roster. My argument is sound, yours is because you want your buddy to win.

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Toronto didn't make the playoffs last season with the best goalie in the league in LeBeau.  Riga made the playoffs with a 200 TPE CPU goalie.  You need to have an extraordinary season to be called a MVP what Tukio did this season was nothing out of the ordinary.  Might as well make Moher, Smyl, or Bagelface MVP since Dynamo made the playoffs in Moher's rookie season despite them having the least goals scored for any playoff team, Smyl in Seattle is the MVP letting in one less goal the Moher they only don't make playoffs because he doesn't have an offense, and Bagelface let in less goals than both of those but had the worst offense of the three teams in Vasteras he must be the MVP.


Wozniak has inflated stats ok so does every other forward in the league from all games against NY/RIG.  Wozniak has inflated stats from playing with other good players well that's the case for other forwards in the league too.  Lets remove all of that and make my points down to a deflated 120 take away more than 30 points so that I'm just barely leading in total points.  I'm still leading in nearly 7 categories when you ignore the inflation.  Tell me that winning 66% of faceoffs didn't matter when Calgary's next center Zamora had 54%.


I absolutely agree with you Devise that if the argument was Wozniak got tons of extra points against bad teams and that was his only positive merit then sure.  Wozniak managed to somehow beat the rest of the players on Calgary in 7 different categories and the entire league who also got to play against the same bad teams.

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