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Claimed:Things to do [Reviewed]


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It´s that time of the year again. The VHL is hosting a all-star game where some of the best players showcase their talents to fans. There is going to be various little challenges where the players compete against each other and the actual all-star game is going to be played of course. Pretty great event if you are a fan of VHL. It´s not often that you get to see so much talent on ice at the same time.


It´s not all fun and games though, there has been a ongoing discussion if a event like this should be even organized? The ticket prices are higher than ever before and the little gifts that each player gets for playing in the all-star game cost over 50k. The pimped out bicycle costs over 25k alone. What kind of message does that send to rest of the world? The owners and people who make events like this happen are only going to get richer while the actual event is starting to look like a circus. The game of hockey is getting less important each year.



Pimped out bicycle, similar to the one players will be getting. 


Not everybody in the hockey world cares about the all-star even that much so I decided to share some potential things to do while the event is going on. Personally I will be running a protest outside the arena while the game is played. The whole point of the protest is to raise awareness about the issues mentioned before,  ticket prices getting higher each year and the game of hockey is getting too commercialized in general which will eventually ruin the sport. At the moment we got over 15 people signed up for the protest so there is room for more people. 


Here are some ideas...


1. Bake a cake.
There is so many great cakes, but if I would have to choose one, it would be chocolate cake. Baking a cake instead of watching the all-star event will leave the people around you feeling great. Unless you wont share the cake with them, then maybe not. 


2. Paint something
I´m a terrible in anything that takes creativity, but if you are a good painter, why not spend the time painting something meaningful instead of sitting on the couch watching a game of stick puck? 


3. Read a book
Reading is something that everybody should do.  Get a good book and spend the few hours alone in a complete silence, is there anything better? One of my favorites is: Anybody can be cool, but awesome takes practice by Pig Pen


4. Clean your toilet
Easily the worst thing when it comes down to cleaning your house. You can of course hire someone to do it, but while the all-star event is going on, you should just go for it and clean it yourself. 


5. Groom your body

Another somewhat lame task, at least if you are covered in hair like myself. It takes at least 30 minutes to get the legs feeling smooth as eggs and then there is rest of the body to go. The all-star event is a perfect moment to do little bit of manscaping. Good idea to clean your toilet AFTER you are done, things can get messy.


There you have it. If you are not going to watch the all-star event, why not join me and protest?  Or you can perhaps try some of the ideas I offered!

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