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Claimed:Mister Dufresne [REVIEWED]

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You listened and used regular amounts of contrast, well done! Light source is a little oddly placed, try getting it up a bit more so it's not just casting half the face in darkness. Still though, much better overall. The BG flu of shapes is kinda need and I like how you made the tex work with it. The render effects kinda fit but aren't quite perfect, I see a lot of spots that are just pure black and that's a big thing to avoid. Overall though, I see some definite progress with this one. Well done.

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  • Beketov changed the title to Claimed:Mister Dufresne [1/2]



Definitely an improvement. I actually really like this, there's some really creative stuff here. Text is pretty cool, I like what you did with the opposite colours. Background is clean and slick, and the render effects are sweet. I'd like to see some work in adding some stock work on top, to give it that extra pizzazz. Keep it up!

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