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Claimed:Name change? [Reviewed]


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As my playing days are getting fewer and fewer, I have been thinking what I will do with my life after I cant play hockey professionally anymore.  I know I have been talking about this subject in the past, but decision time is getting close and closer. 


Recently one of my friends suggested that I should change my first name to something slightly more friendly for the North-Americans. She said that Jorma is quite hard name for most people to say. I naturally laughed  at her face, but later when I got home I started to think about it even more. What if she has a point? Having somewhat weird name while you play hockey does not matter too much, but having a weird name and working with normal people might be a problem.  I of course don´t necessarily have to get a normal job right away since I´m rich, like really rich.  I still have most of the money I have earned saved up in various bank accounts. Eventually I might have to get a normal job, so the name change in the near future might be a good idea since I can get used to it and when I actually need to use my name to do something it wont feel weird or awkward.




Now, the names that I have been thinking about are nothing too fancy, Bob, David and Mike have been on my mind lately, Bob Ruutu has quite nice ring to it. Nobody would even know I´m from Finland until I say something. I don´t like talking with people, so that name would save me from a lot of talking. If of course could choose something even more weirder than Jorma and hope it will create a lot of questions that I could use for example to market something, but that would mean I have to talk with people, so at the moment I´m thinking about picking a average name and hope I can enjoy life without having to talk with people. 


For the even more weird selection of names I have been thinking about using  Phil-Draper Ruutu or Sterling-Jardy Ruutu. Those sounds pretty North-American and could be used to market for example various kinds of lotions.  


At the moment I´m still going to keep the name my mother gave me, but just like with future career plans, the name change is something that I will keep in my mind when going forward.  


I might as well use this opportunity to share what I have been doing lately, I have done absolutely nothing.  It´s been sitting on the couch and Netfix for this guy lately. I might have to get out and actually get ready for next season soon. Nothing worse than starting the training camp when you are out of shape. 

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Very interesting article. Since your player is Finnish, would he have to go back to Finland to get a name change, or could he just do it wherever? Important things to know. Also I'm thinking Jim-Bob Ruutu would be good for you. It gives you the hyphen, plus who would ever suspect a person named Jim-Bob to be from somewhere other than the US South? Just things to consider.


469 words :D 

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1 hour ago, ADwyer87 said:


Very interesting article. Since your player is Finnish, would he have to go back to Finland to get a name change, or could he just do it wherever? Important things to know. Also I'm thinking Jim-Bob Ruutu would be good for you. It gives you the hyphen, plus who would ever suspect a person named Jim-Bob to be from somewhere other than the US South? Just things to consider.


469 words :D 

I kinda like the name Jim-Bob, going to keep this in my mind when choosing the name for my next player ;) 

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