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Claimed:The new star from Latvia [Reviewed]


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In very hot summer day, for two weeks temperature wasn't under 35 degrees. And then it came. Lightening and thunder and the long waited rain. Such was day 18 years ago when born little Izidors. He was like all babies.

Izidors childhood passed in country side, where his parents owned farm, so Izidors had plenty of fresh air and natureOnce per week parents went to city to do shopping and then  granny take care to Izidors. These weekends was the best cause granny allowed to eat lots of sweets - chocolate, candies. Little Izidors also had best friend - dog named Spike, they both done everything together, went to near river to swim or fishing. In winters Spike pulled Izidors sledge like a real husky, although Spike was ordinary dog.  


In age 7 he had to start go to school, just like all children. So Izidors parents moved to local city, called Saldus, to be closer to school. In that age he was already taller than his classmates and school basketball trainer noticed that. And he invited Izodors to basketball team. In the beginning he was worst player cause other guys from team have practicing in basketball at least one year, but Izidors wasn't dumb, wasn't so quick and technical good like other, but he managed to take advantage with his height. 


Izidors playing basketball

In summer just before 9th birthday, Izidors made first consultation like doctor, Izidors was so serious. Situation was funny, Izidors played with other children from neighborhood and than came Diana, she was two years older. She called Izidors apart from other cause she was bleeding, adults could explain that Diana is growing up and its normal that starts menstruation, but there was only Diana and Izidors. Diana asked to Izidors: "Can you look why I'm bleeding?" Izidors lifted little bit skirts and with serious face said: "I'm not big expert but looks like something has been cuted." Well such was the consultation. And then came the first big love, he was 10 years old. It was 1st September, first school day after summer holiday. She came in to classroom, her blonde hair was beautiful. A real beauty. And the she started to talk: "Good morning children, I'm Anna and i will be your new teacher." But Izidors could only think about how he will buy some ice cream for her. Few years izidors was bad boy so he could get detention and have more time with beautiful Anna. But the happened big tragedy for Izidors, Anna got married and after few month gone to decree also. 

It was nice and sunny day, Izidors didn't thought that will be the last day for Spike. Spike with Izidors was together almost from Izidors birth. Spike was very old, but he was still very active although sometimes little bit clumsy. After Spike died, Izidors long time was unhappy. It was his biggest tragedy. 

In age of 16, Izidors had biggest party fail ever. Like in that age, parties was almost every weekend and Izidors went to all of them, cause he was basketball player and he was one of gang (schools popular lads). Everything happened like always, Izidors met girl, some dancing, some booze... And next Izidors wake up in next morning and heard that some of girls laughing about him. So what happened last night? Izidors could understand, but then friends told him. Izidors was so drunken that didn't noticed that the girl has tights, and Izidors tried to make love with her. After that Izidors promised himself that never again would use so much booze 

In high school Izidors started to be late to basketball training and sometimes he even didn't showed up. He also found new friends, gamers, and more and more time spent by computer playing video games. In result Balders  almost every basketball game chilled on the bench. Parents were despaired, Izidors was become very lazy and very unsocial. But for luck it was time to graduate school. 


In the last basketball training


After high school graduation Izidors wasn't sure for his future and he started to work in farm. Parents was strict, they gave three options. First was go further and study in university, second was go find job or third - leave. So he found something in farm. He really hated get up early in the morning and all day long work with cows, but Izidors hadn't any choice. 

And then once, watching hockey game Riga - Toronto, drinking beer and eating crisps, Izidors realized what he want to do. Simply Izidors couldn't stand out the bad game which showed Riga. So he want become an professional hockey player. When he learned in school Izidors few times had played hockey for fun, and he was good at that. But since he was tall and also he liked basketball, Izidors didn't joined hockey team. Probably you all are interested why Izidors didn't become an basketball star. Its simple, like once said World champion in bobsleigh - Daumants Dreiškens: "If in 18 years you don't have any offers from teams or don't know if you want play basketball entire life, then its time to quit." 

So Izidors looked up for some old hockey equipment and started to train. In the beginning alone, but later found his first hockey coach - Helmuts Balderis. Coach was great, with big experience and trained local amateur hockey team. The training process was hard, but when Izidors was ready coach invited few scouts to check out Izidors. The biggest interest showed up Bratislava Watchmen. Although it was almost end of season they found place for this new talented player 


Izidors in one his first hockey games

After few games is regular season started play-offs, then final for cup and cup. Izidors couldn't believe, he wasn't fully adapted in crew when the season ended. And the came big evening - VHLM draft. Izidors was picked in 1st round with 6th pick by Yukon Rush, so he packed his bags and moved. This is first time that Izidors lives in North America longer that two days 


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I first I was like alright, then I was like wtf and then I was like alright, alright, alright. ;)

I definitely couldn't imagine writing an article in Latvian but writing something like this must be pretty tough.

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13 minutes ago, Dangles13 said:

I first I was like alright, then I was like wtf and then I was like alright, alright, alright. ;)

I definitely couldn't imagine writing an article in Latvian but writing something like this must be pretty tough.

do i have so bad english?

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i really liked that article! At first glance I was just scrolling through and saw all the basketball pictures and was very confused haha. I think Spike is my favorite dog now TBH, so sad ?. Also it got a little weird in the middle haha.....and that last paragraph of school years sounds exactly like what happened to me lol. You're grammar still needs work, but writing an article like this is hard for a non-native speaker and you did a great job and I can tell you put in the effort! Also I'm a native speaker and my grammar still sucks haha. Best of luck moving forward!


1028 words :D



Edited by ADwyer87
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