BluObieZ 1,125 Posted May 30, 2016 Share Posted May 30, 2016 (edited) EXT-SUBURBIA-MORNING The morning dew sparkles in the morning light. Birds chirping and dogs barking can be heard as a garbage truck appears at the end of the street. As it nears a person yelling at the dogs to shut up can be heard. We now see the truck come to a stop at its next house. BUCK BUNKUER (@JardyB10) a mid-20’s pale white male gets off the truck and grabs a garbage can as he walks to the back of the truck. Buck One of these fucking days FRE ELMO (@frescoelmo) grabs another can and follows Buck Fre What? You will what? Become a secret agent? Buck Shut up! And yes I will. They just don’t like how I am a shoot first ask questions last type guy Fre And why would they? If you want answers you can’t kill the guy you are about to question. That makes no sense Buck That’s what they said Fre I would be shocked if they didn’t say that Buck My theory is kill one terrorist in front of his buddies. Then threaten to keep killing one at a time till one talks. You will eventually find that shitty terrorist that does not want to die and get his six or however many virgins in heaven Fre That is the dumbest thing I have heard you say all day and that’s saying a lot Buck And I thought I told you to shut up Buck tosses the garbage can into the back of the truck instead of emptying it. He then presses the button to compact the garbage INT-WAREHOUSE-MORNING A typical warehouse in the morning. Workers standing around drinking coffee while standing in a circle talking. The sound of a truck reversing can be heard as the gate to the loading dock opens. ALEC DWYER (@ADwyer87) a French looking fuck in his mid-20’S appears from the office area and looks at the workers. Alec Hey! Get to fucking work you bunch of lazy fucks Alec walks to the truck and opens the gate. Crates of things can be seen as the workers start grabbing tongue dollies, pump trucks and a fork lift. ANGELO MOLHOLT (@Molholt) a mid-20’s male gets out of the driver seat of the truck and walks to Alec. Angelo Are we still on schedule? Alec glares and Angelo Alec I don’t take orders from you Angelo It wasn’t an order, it was a question Alec Well… of course we are on schedule. I run a tight ship here Angelo Good, because he arrives he expects everything to be ready Alec I know INT-ATU-MORNING PHIL JEESTER (@Phil) a late-20’s ATU agent is sitting at his desk and annoyingly sipping his coffee and saying “mmmmm” after each sip. This annoys his brother David JEESTER (@Knight) who is also a late-20’s ATU agent. David Can you stop that? Phil looks up from his coffee Phil What? David Saying mmmmm with every sip Phil I can’t David Why not? Phil It’s coffee straight from Columbia. It’s… Phil does the Tony Montana voice Phil Very addicting Phil snaps his fingers and a person appears who hands David a coffee. David looks at the man then at Phil before shrugging his shoulders and taking a sip. As he raises his head he cannot help but say “mmmmm” David That is good coffee The guy that people call “mail dude” nears their desks and places a box on it Mail Dude Here you go, you got some type of ticking thing or something David looks at Phil then at the mail dude. Phil looks at David then the box Phil Ok… back away slowly David slowly gets up slowly but then shoves Mail Dude out of his way as he runs off Phil I SAID SLOWLY! Mail dude slowly gets up and looks at Phil Mail Dude Is… that a… bbbbbb…omb? Phil looks at him and doesn’t say anything he just nods as he waves at him to get out of there. Phil reaches into his desk and grabs a knife. He gently cuts an opening into the box and places what appears to be a card inside of it. Phil now gets up calmly and walks away from his desk. He makes sure no one is around before he grabs his phone and opens an app that is literally called “Bomb disposal” He then presses the only button the screen that reads “kaboom” the box explodes in a very small explosion almost like there was no bomb in it. A note that is on fire slowly falls to the floor in front of Phil which reads “Happy birthday, I saw this cuckoo clock in Mozambique and thought of you” Phil stands there with a look of displeasure as David comes up to him and reads the note David It’s your birthday? Happy birthday bro Phil rolls his eyes Phil You’re my brother you should know it’s my birthday David Oh yeah… Awkward silence fills the room David Uh…What was that? Phil What? David You know… that Phil The explosion? David Yeah! That Phil I thought it was a bomb so I disposed of it David Was it? Phil No All of a sudden someone can be heard yelling “BOMB” Phil No it’s not Person No this one’s real. Take a look The person throws the bomb threw the air and in slow motion we see what appears to be dynamite with a timer that reads twenty seconds on it flying through the air. Phil catches it and looks down. He tosses it to David David What are you doing? I don’t want it David tosses it back to Phil who tosses it back to him. They literally toss it back and forth wasting precious seconds. INT-WAREHOUSE-MORNING Alec is sitting in his office as he gets a text on his phone which reads “Distraction is a go” INT-GARBAGE TRUCK-MORNING Buck is driving the garbage truck weaving in and out of traffic like it was a race car Fre Where are you in such a hurry to? Buck I’m off the clock in ten minutes and I don’t want to be in this stinky shitty truck when that happens. I’m going to the range to get more time with the guns. I have a tendency to hit things I shouldn’t Fre Like what? Buck Innocent people Fre Do you at least shoot the bad guys? Buck Sometimes A loud explosion can be heard nearby. Without looking or even blinking Buck does a U-turn smashing through cars that are in his way. Fre holds on for dear life Buck That came from ATU. We need to get there Fre looks on in shock as he looks in the rear-view mirror at the mess of cars that Buck is leaving behind. Fre We? No, no, no let me out Buck Have no time. They need me Fre You are not an agent get that through your fucked up head Buck If you want out then get out but I am not stopping Fre No! You will stop Buck I stop for no one. Tuck and roll buddy tuck and roll Buck plows through a red light INT-WAREHOUSE-MORNING Alec and Angelo are now toasting to something in the warehouse as workers celebrate Alec To a day that this country will never forget Angelo They will never see it coming, they will be too busy at ATU HQ Alec Well that’s an obvious statement I think everyone here knows why they won’t see it coming Angelo You know that you can be an ass at times right? Alec It’s the French Canadian in me INT-ATU-MORNING The ATU office is totally decimated by the explosion. Bodies are laying everywhere. The building is structurally not sound. Phil, David and Mail dude push their way out of a fallen wall without even a scratch. Phil looks around to see no one else survived the explosion that he can see. Phil Good thing we tossed that the other way with seconds left David I’d say. If we didn’t that would have really blown David nudges Mail Dude David Get it? Blown it? Eh? Eh? Mail Dude shrugs then tries to say something but no sounds come out Phil I think he lost his voice David I guess the cat… bomb got his tongue Phil and David high five Phil Good one Just then FRANK ALMEDIA (@Frank) an early 30’s Italian looking guy rushes in. He looks around in shock and horror Frank What in the holy hell happened? Phil Bomb Frank Bomb? How? Why? You couldn’t defuse it? You two are the bomb experts Phil I tossed it to him David I tossed it back Phil And I tossed it back David And I tossed it back Phil And I tossed it back Frank stops them Frank Okay… okay I get it! I get it Phil What do we do now? Frank Did Higgins make it? They look up where Higgin’s office use to be but it’s not there anymore Phil Doubt it David Looks like he went in a blaze of glory Phil and David give each other props Phil Stellar one David As usual Phil I would have gone with Higgins went up in smoke David looks at Phil stone faced David That’s not that great A loud crash breaks up the conversation, the Garbage truck smashes through a few remaining walls and comes to a stop inches from Phil, David and Frank. Buck jumps out of the truck and salutes them Buck Secret Agent Buck Bunkuer reporting for duty Frank looks at him then at David and Phil who carry on making explosion jokes then shrugs Frank Sure why not Buck I was hoping you would say that. What should I do? Frank I don’t know Buck When will you know? Frank doesn’t know how to respond Buck Five?... ten? Maybe fifteen minutes? I get the feeling we should get on this so can make this exciting and fun. Not to mention get those terrorist scum Frank Now, now, now we don’t know if it was terrorist Buck Who is sends a bomb to the anit terrorist unit? Frank thinks as the episode fades to black Edited May 30, 2016 by KingRobbie DollarAndADream and JardyB10 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FacePuncher 1,343 Posted May 30, 2016 Share Posted May 30, 2016 oh no, im French Canadian!!!!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kesler 1,514 Posted June 1, 2016 Share Posted June 1, 2016 Claimed Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JPL 151 Posted June 6, 2016 Share Posted June 6, 2016 Reviewed! and I'm not quite sure what I read. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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