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Claimed:Mushrooms are bad for you [Reviewed]


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I think its safe to say this season will be the best one in my whole career when it comes down to scoring points. I have 28 games left to score 4 more points, which will mean that the chances for new point total record is fairly good, sitting at 85 at the moment, my record is 89 which came on season 47. New York won the cup in that year by the way, is that a sign of what is going to happen this year? 


Either way, things going nicely, but behind all this is a fact that is keeping me up in some nights, next year is my last one in VHL, I will retire from the game. That is a huge thing to realize after playing all these years and something that I´m struggling with at the moment. I have decided to try and look for help in order to find peace. 


Friend of mine suggested that I go and see a therapist. First I was not too sure about it, but eventually I agreed to go and at least try it with a open mind. What is the worst thing that can happen? Well, a lot of things can go wrong quickly.


After few sessions with the therapist, he suggested that the next session would take place in a nearby forest. I like the nature, so why not.


I met him there and we walked for few minutes to get bit deeper into the woods. The therapist had a favorite spot somewhere that we tried to find. Soon we found the place and put together a small camp where we could sit and talk. After chatting for a bit, the therapist offered me some kind of mushrooms.  Never eaten mushrooms before, so took them and put a small one in my mouth and acted like I was eating it.



Therapist did the same, but with bigger mushrooms and instead of acting like eating them, he actually ate them all. Before I even managed to spit my mushrooms out of my mouth, the therapist took all of his clothes off and ran into the woods. I went after him, but failed to find him. It´s amazing how fast some people can run without making any sound.


After searching for the therapist for solid five minutes, I decided to leave, walked back to my car and drove home. The whole situation happened few days ago and I have not heard from the therapist since. I´m not sure what I should do, but I guess he knew what he was doing.


Fine example on how you should not trust on people who you don´t know. Especially if they offer you something you don´t really want to eat or try. Its ok to say no, I learned it again with all this. I also must admit that I´m not too worried about my future anymore, so I guess the therapy worked!

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