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Bears To Bounce Back?


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-- Seattle, Washington


The regular season is officially underway and as always, all the teams from both Conferences are doing their best to compete for the big prize, a continental cup victory. Like all the other teams, Seattle has been pretty confident with their core moving forward, and with a couple re-signings, they look like a strong competitor team for at best a few seasons. Two games in however, the team looks to be struggling early on. Their first game of the season was a total "train-wreck" so to speak, as they were dominated in shots and goals, losing by four goals and being shutout. While it's a horrible feeling to lose by so much, their name game wasn't as terrible. While they lost the game, it was only by one goal, and they were only one shot off of being tied for shots on goal. Their only issue was allowing Riga to obtain four of their five goals in the first period, had the team played better in the first, the game may be completely different. 


So the big question is, can this team bounce back, and if so...how? Well the answer is of course. For starters, the season is young and it's only two games in, while it's a minor setback to those teams that had a perfect or near-perfect start, it's nothing too major. Another issue that is going to be fixed is the line settings. It came to the attention that management had not set proper lines, leaving Zack Sound off the offensive forward position and putting in his place a bunch scrub computer players. With proper lines this team should be able to turn it around, and despite a very poor first game, the second game did show that they have what it takes to score goals. All the Bears can do is hope and pray and play a lot better than they did game one.

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Like it makes a difference which goalie you start against us.

I can hope to fluke into stealing a game or two against SEA, while playing CAL G1 against you to ensure I don't accidentally win one there and ruin my chances of SEA's pick falling. It likely won't matter, but if it gives you guys maybe a 2-3 point cushion on them in games against me, then I can only hope that's enough. Odds are though that I win 0 games against either of you.

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