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2013-2014 NHL Discussion Thread


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Not wagon hopping, just really don't give a shit what happens this season anymore. Team can't score, can't hold a lead, and there's no point selling the farm to try and fix it. The Sedins look like shadows of their former selves and whether that's just a one-off or not, I don't know. Kesler, Higgins, Santo, and Kassian have all been streak. Burrows has had zero luck. Hansen has no hands. Booth is dead weight. The only bright spots right now is our goaltending and the emergence of Tanev and Stanton.

haven't those parts always been true though?

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haven't those parts always been true though?


Yeah but now Hansen is on the top two lines half the time, and we don't currently having the luxury of scratching Booth because half our forwards are injured. -_-

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Islanders got fucking robbed by Toronto of a point. Whoever negated that goal in the situation room, should earnestly consider getting their eyes examined. One of the biggest NHL tragedies I have seen in years.

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Well at least we have Chris "Rubber Man" Tanev. Pretty sure because we got him (and because Kesler is finally healthy) the Hockey Gods have condemned the rest of our team.

Haha is that his nickname for real?

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Islanders got fucking robbed by Toronto of a point. Whoever negated that goal in the situation room, should earnestly consider getting their eyes examined. One of the biggest NHL tragedies I have seen in years.

usually i think you are annoying with your islanders homerism but that was a tragically awful call


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Same could be said about the Caps homerism.


Isn't there only like three Caps fans on this board? :P I'm happy we won a game Meg, but we need to make trades. Way too many holes on the roster. I SURELY hope GMGM gets the axe. Time for a face lift imo. 

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Isn't there only like three Caps fans on this board? :P I'm happy we won a game Meg, but we need to make trades. Way too many holes on the roster. I SURELY hope GMGM gets the axe. Time for a face lift imo. 


Im a caps fan! and same here.. oh and I've disliked GMGM since the Forsberg-Erat trade

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Same could be said about the Caps homerism.

"John Tavares is the best player better than the best player on anyone else's team"

yeah I do that a lot don't I  :rolleyes: it's like you have a memory deficiency or something because I don't romanticize the caps the way that seth does the Islanders.  I'm not even sure if we're a playoff team, we sure aren't cup contenders.  Ovechkin is the best goal scorer in the league but he isn't the best player and never once have I made that argument.  Actually think before you post Kendrick, actually understand what you are posting about because what you are saying and the truth don't match.  Unless of course you are referring to Devise or AwfulHomesick, in which case I haven't seen either of them say those kinds of things either.  What exactly are you talking about?  Because I'm not quite sure?  It's not him talking about the Islanders I hate, I wouldn't mind it at all if that is what he did which is why I respond to the Canucks talk and the Ducks talk and once or twice the Devils talk that goes on, no what I don't like is how he comes in and jams his opinion down your throat and claims about how his team is the best and John Tavares is god.  That's what I don't like, and that's not something I have ever done.

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Isn't there only like three Caps fans on this board? :P I'm happy we won a game Meg, but we need to make trades. Way too many holes on the roster. I SURELY hope GMGM gets the axe. Time for a face lift imo. 

I know, sometimes I almost want us to lose because I don't want them to think what they have going on is right, as weird as that may sound.  My future husband has been looking pretty good these past couple of games though(Wilson).

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Hey I'm just saying what you said. Seth doesn't jam his opinion down anyone's throat. 90% of those posts are silly jokes that everyone else seems to understand. But go ahead ramble

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Hey I'm just saying what you said. Seth doesn't jam his opinion down anyone's throat. 90% of those posts are silly jokes that everyone else seems to understand. But go ahead ramble


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After looking at both my insufficient amount of money on my card and the prices on Stubhub for the Stadium Series game to my friend waking me up with a phone call saying "Wake up asshole, we're going to the game today" and I jumped out of bed.


The game didn't quite go as I had hoped.


But I wouldn't trade the experience for the world.

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It is awesome going to outdoor games, I went to the Winter Classic back in 2011 and the whole thing was just crazy.  There was so much stuff going on before you even got to the game.

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The Canucks won 7-2 in OT tonight. It doesn't make sense, but don't question it. It just happened.  :lol:

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