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The Bread Man Life Update!


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Wanna hear about what has happened in my life lately? Probably not bud I don't care, I need 1 TPE so here we go!


- My friends gf has gone super religious and assholey so we have been trying to cheer him up lately. Fun fact, according to his girl I am 'ungodly'

- This girl im into is a Patriots fan. Might have to reconsider lol. But actually she's really cool and lately we have been talking a lot more which is really awesome. Her birthday is tomorrow. Gotta remember that!

- I have to do a lot of stuff for this class on Tuesday and i haven't started yet. Honestly, this school semester is a shit show, should be my easier semester but I am just not in a good mental place for school.

- I've been playing a lot of NHL 17. My be a pro just got 106 points and 67 goals in his first year in the WHL. Ive got 7 games left and in trying really hard to catch wlthe guy in front of me in the league in points.

- I've been getting a lot of soreness in my legs lately. Friday my shins were killing me and today my right thigh is super stiff. It's annoying

- I ripped one of my pairs of cargo shorts. Since I have no jeans and 1 pair of khakis that totally doesn't fit, I now have the choice of basketball shorts, sweatpants, and my one pair of cargo shorts.

- I've had some weird reminiscing lately. Thinking of some old friends and people I've met, wearing a certain combo of clothes that brings back some mixed memories. It's all kinda weird right now.

- my apartment won't let pizza guys deliver in it anymore. In contemplating starting a riot

- I've been sleeping with my speaker so that the vibrations can lull me to sleep instead of me just staying up as long as possible which generally ends in me oversleeping.


I think thats it


For Podarok

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3 hours ago, jRuutu said:

Have you been walking and/or running a lot lately? Using ´bad´ shoes can get your shins and legs feeling pretty sore quickly :P 

I generally walk a lot since college and no car. And i do wear slides so they are bad shoes haha

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6 hours ago, The Bread Man said:

I generally walk a lot since college and no car. And i do wear slides so they are bad shoes haha

That might be it :P  I had the same problem in the past when running on pavement or any kind of hard surface, absolutely killed my shins/legs after little while.  First used shoes that were not good fit for running = pain. Then I bought ones that were actually perfect for running and for my feet, but waited too long before buying new ones after I wore them down = pain.


Got nice pair now and no pain at all when running around.  Proper shoes make a huge difference!



Edited by jRuutu
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41 minutes ago, jRuutu said:

That might be it :P  I had the same problem in the past when running on pavement or any kind of hard surface, absolutely killed my shins/legs after little while.  First used shoes that were not good fit for running = pain. Then I bought ones that were actually perfect for running and for my feet, but waited too long before buying new ones after I wore them down = pain.


Got nice pair now and no pain at all when running around.  Proper shoes make a huge difference!



Yeah, but I don't do much running. Plus I need shoes that breathe, nothing breathes like slides. Plus in so lazy that even the action of putting on real shoes is just too much

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Try investing in some Nike Free running shoes. They breathe really well and you basically slip them on. I bought them for the gym for running and stuff but then I just wear them as my going out shoes too. They're comfy.

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6 hours ago, JardyB10 said:

You should buy some more pants. A pair of jeans or two. I should do that too.

I would never wear them, though lol. I mean, I need some nice clothes for special occasions, but in general I go for the nice shorts if I wanna look good or the sweatpants when I wanna look edgy

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5 hours ago, DollarAndADream said:

Try investing in some Nike Free running shoes. They breathe really well and you basically slip them on. I bought them for the gym for running and stuff but then I just wear them as my going out shoes too. They're comfy.

How much we talking when u say "invest" here?

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1 hour ago, evrydayimbyfuglien said:

do you have an outlet mall out there? we have one that has a Nike store and the stuff is WAYYYY cheaper. 

we probably do somewhere, i would have to check. i dont get out much haha

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