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Claimed: In This Article, I Look Back At The Shutouts Stat


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Please Get Me Off Mr. VHL’s Wild Shutout Ride!


The VHL shutout epidemic is the gift that keeps on giving and it’s showing no signs of being vaccinated anytime in the near future. Only two months ago, I wrote an article comparing the amount of shutouts in the VHL’s first 48 seasons with the amount of shutouts in the following five seasons. This was the statistic as I wrote it back in March.


Players with 15 or more shutouts Season 1 - Season 48 - One (CAL G)


Players with 15 or more shutouts Season 49 - Present Day - Eight (Sandro Clegane x2, Greg Clegane x3, Ilya Kopralkov, Ariel Weinstein, Jakab Holik)


That statistical trend was bad then and, I hate to say it, but it’s only getting worse. I’ll rephrase the statistic above in two different ways and add the new data in to include the three players that have achieved 15 shutouts this season (Yes, three and yes, this season that hasn’t yet finished).


Players with 15 or more shutouts Season 1 - Season 50 - Two (CAL G, Greg Clegane)


Players with 15 or more shutouts Season 51 - Present Day - Ten (Sandro Clegane x2, Greg Clegane x2, Ilya Kopralkov, Ariel Weinstein, Jakab Holik x2, Apollo Skye, Astrid Moon)



In some ways, this doesn’t actually look as damning as my original statistic, but I just wanted to widen the first bracket to make it include a significant milestone in the league. So basically, what the stat shows is that we’ve had five times as many players with 15 or more shutouts over the last four seasons than we did over the first fifty. But here’s another way I want to look at that data:


Players with 15 or more shutouts Season 31 - Season 48 - Zero


Players with 15 or more shutouts Season 51 - Present Day - Eleven (Sandro Clegane x2, Greg Clegane x3, Ilya Kopralkov, Ariel Weinstein, Jakab Holik x2, Apollo Skye, Astrid Moon)


The reason for me showing this statistic is to demonstrate how shutouts have been spread over the post-expansion era, as including thirty seasons of an eight-team league is perhaps an unfair comparison. This shows though that in the first eighteen seasons following expansion, we didn’t record any 15 season shutouts, it’s really a statistic that’s shot up over the last 6 seasons. It isn’t to do with calibre of goalies either, while a lot of these goalies were solidly built goalies, some of them are (or were at the time they recorded the 15-shutout season) vastly inferior to the likes of Hans Wingate, Tuomas Tuukio, Brick Wahl and Remy Lebeau; all Hall of Fame goalies that played their entire careers in the ten team era. It’s more to do with the sheer amount of aggressively awful teams that have occupied the VHL in the recent past. In a triumphant return of everyone’s favourite TPA, let’s count how many skaters (not goalies) on the bottom five teams in the VHL are over 200 TPA.


Calgary – 1 (Travis Gowecny)

Seattle – 1 (Aleksei Fedorov)

Toronto – 2 (Roman Sokolov, Jim Lahey (Barely,with 202 TPA)

Cologne – 1 (Ted Doughty)

Davos – 2 (Shawn Gretzky, Pablo)


So yes, there are seven VHL-worthy skaters combined over the bottom five teams in the league. For a comparison as to how awful that is, those five teams combined have only two more VHL quality players than the league-worst Riga Reign had in Season 30.


*For Threencarnac

Edited by YEAH!stlemania
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