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Maybe someone with more knowledge can help me. Are LR private now or are they still being seen by everyone?


I ask cause as guys join we can start to sort these out

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As far as I know they can still be seen by everyone. I was going through and making all the permission things earlier but ran out of time before work to actually start putting people into the proper groups,


I also noticed that it doesn't seem as if forums can be set to be viewed by only one group. From what I can tell they can be password protected and certain groups can be exempt from typing it in but that's not really the end goal we want.


I'll try to look into it more later.

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We'll get to working on these as soon as the right people are online. I have the permissions but have no idea how to execute.


Both Devise and Advantage are decently well acquainted in this, so I'll try and get them to help once they get on.

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Yeah sounds good.


I mean the main goal through this transition is to have everything get set up and then only the blue team (Jardy, Victor and Higgins) with the permissions on various areas. I was going to start posting in the LR, but figured there is no point with everything being open anyways.

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I found the button I was looking for because I was curious. All the permissions are in fact set so chances are right now no one can see the locker rooms aside from people with the admin mask.


To setup people who can see them, in case you're curious and have time Jericho, you need to go under members->members->manage members. From there either search for or go through each member, edit them, and set their secondary group as whatever team they belong to. That should cover the permissions. I would do them but it takes a bit and I should be working.

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I found the button I was looking for because I was curious. All the permissions are in fact set so chances are right now no one can see the locker rooms aside from people with the admin mask.


To setup people who can see them, in case you're curious and have time Jericho, you need to go under members->members->manage members. From there either search for or go through each member, edit them, and set their secondary group as whatever team they belong to. That should cover the permissions. I would do them but it takes a bit and I should be working.


It's not something I'm comfortable doing myself, I've fucked up forums pretty bad like that before. I'll leave it for someone with experience.

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It's not something I'm comfortable doing myself, I've fucked up forums pretty bad like that before. I'll leave it for someone with experience.

Haha alright, was just offering the instructions. I work until midnight tonight and possibly again at 8am tomorrow so I doubt I'll have time to do it until the weekend. If I finish everything tonight I can take tomorrow off though so if that's the case I'll do them all tomorrow. If not I'm sure someone will get to it, it's a pretty easy process.

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On the topic of LR does someone know how to add the long team bars to them like on the old forum?



Just copy the ones I did for the team forums and change the link / image link. 

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