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Claimed: The Beketov Agency Player Review - Part 2


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The Beketov Agency Player Review - Part 2


Welcome back! In my last MS I discussed my first four players in the league from the all-star Alexander Beketov to the Black Sheep Kristensen and, you know, the other two. In this one I’ll be covering my last 5 players including my current 2 active ones. So sit back and enjoy yet another Beketov retrospective.




Player #5: Jason White - 506 TPE





Season 25 - 3rd Overall


Continental Cup - Season 29

Szatkowski Award - Season 29


432GP, 143G, 284A, 427P, +201


Coming off Niklas Kristensen (quite early I might add) I felt as if I had something to prove with my next player and White...kinda did that. I still got drafted high which was nice to see; and quite surprising since NY gave me another chance. I think a GM change had happened or something.


In any case, it was nice to have a bit of a comeback with White. He never got the kind of statistics Beketov did; in fact while writing this I realized that (spoilers) none of my forwards ever really did. But I digress. I managed to get my name on the cup again thanks to a Surprise Toronto Legion team in Season 29 and I also snagged my only Szatkowski award that season. Unfortunately the season holds the record for the lowest points total to ever win the award (107) but I still won it so that felt really cool.


In general I found White’s career to be kinda lacklustre. That season with Toronto was really fun since the team was so active and no one really expected us to play as well as we did. However that was the only season I felt like I was more than just a depth forward. White was definitely an okay player, don’t get me wrong, but not really top 3 if I were to list out my personal favourites.


Player #6: Evgeni Chekhov - 675 TPE





Season 32 - 4th Overall




322GP, 151-145-26, 0.914SV%, 2.51GAA, 31SO


Oh Chekhov, poor Chekhov. First off, yes, that is how you spell the name. This was my first player with a trickier name and it shows with how often the name was miss-spelled. In any case, Chekhov was chosen early on in Season 32 in order to become the first real star goalie for Cologne. He stuck out his entire career on a Cologne team that could never quite get the pieces they needed to compete which unfortunately led to an earlier retirement than I had initially planned. Cologne just wasn’t working out for me but there was no goalie market to do anything so I wound up retiring rather than wasting away.


All of that aside though, Chekhov wasn’t a bad goalie really. I continued my trend of improving with my goalies (somewhat the opposite as my forwards) and Chekhov’s stats are respectable. I won’t be making the Hall of Fame with him any time soon and I never managed any awards but I would argue that Chekhov still stands as one of Cologne’s better goalies over the years that they’ve been a team. It is unfortunate that I retired him early because I think I could have done a lot more but it’s the decision I made and I stand by it.


Player #7: Jackson Miller - 825 TPE





Season 39 - 5th Overall


Continental Cup - Season 44

Continental Cup - Season 46


576GP, 268G, 348A, 616P, +182


Miller is a bit of a weird player for me to review. I remember when he was my active player that I deemed him a pretty strong forward and thought his stats were really quite good. Like for some reason I was thinking he might be able to land in the Hall but was surprised when he didn’t. Surprised, that is, until I actually looked at his stats to write this. Though I managed 2 cups with Miller (the only time any of my players have done that) and he has respectable stats they still aren’t great. At the end of the day I still had better all around stats with Beketov and I played fewer games with him. I know I probably shouldn’t compare all my forward to my best one but I can’t help it.


In any case, Miller was my most active player up to that point in time and, until my current player, had the most TPE I had ever earned. He also had huge hype enterting the league as he was part of the Big 3 drafted by Helsinki in S39. I don’t recall who the other two were but I know @Higgins had one of them. Sadly things didn't pan out as planned for that Helsinki team and Miller wound up moving around a lot... like really a lot. His player page for moving around never got fully updated but if I recall correctly Miller was traded from Helsinki to Toronto, Toronto to Calgary, Calgary to Cologne, Cologne back to Calgary, and then from Calgary back to Helsinki. There may have been an extra one in there somewhere as well. Point is I never had much time to settle anywhere as Miller but the places I did land were sometimes very good fits for me. Specifically my second stint in Calgary and Helsinki as I won cups with both of those.


At the end of the day Miller is no Beketov, I recognize that, but I had fun with the player. His stats are still decent and he did get two cups which is nice. Who knows, maybe some individual awards would have been possible if not for @Green and @BOOM winning everything around that time-frame. He also had one of the best sigs I’ve ever had in my opinion which is the one from above.


Player #8: Jakab Holik - 1000 TPE (In Progress)





Season 48 - 3rd Overall


Shaw Award - Season 53


500GP, 292-178-30, 0.922SV%, 2.00GAA, 88SO


The first of my two current players. As a quick note before I get into this, the TPE is listed as “in progress” since I’m still earning for Holik but the statistics above are my final Regular Season stats, I calculated my last season in there as well.


Anyway, I had some pretty high expectations of myself with Holik and overall I’m pretty happy with how he turned out. My main two objectives were things I had never done before: 1000 TPE and a Shaw. I managed to do both of those with Holik while managing some really impressive statistics at the same time. Unfortunately my first couple of seasons (after being drafted by a rebuilding Davos and then traded to a rebuilding Seattle) were rather poor statyistics wise which probably kept my back from a few all-time records but I made up for it later. I’ll admit, I got lucky in regards to teams with Holik. About half my seasons in Seattle we were expected to do really well and then joining New York as a Free Agent we were still one of the top teams.


With that said, I was also unlucky in a way: the amount of competition against me. When I was first coming into the prime of my career the goalie market was dominated by the Clegane brothers (@JardyB10 and @Victor) as well as Ariel Weinstein (@Smarch). Once they retired I was set up to be the dominant goalie for a few seasons but Apollo Skye (@Velevra) and later Rhett DeGrath (@STZ) had other plans. I did manage to get the Shaw I so coveted in Season 53 but sadly that would be my only one (assuming I don’t win one this season which I won’t). My statistics did actually improve from that point in both aSeason 54 and Season 55 but DeGrath was just too strong.


Anyway, I’m rambling. We’ll see how the playoffs go this season in regards to me potentially getting the cup that has so long eluded me with Holik. If I could pad my trophy cabinet a little bit more, in all honesty, I think Holik could be my second Hall of Famer. His playoff stats may not be the best (they really aren’t as a matter of fact) but in the regular season Holik was quite good.  Tied for 13th all-time in wins, 19th in S%. Both decent but not amazing. However he’s also 7th in GAA (with two of those above him having played far fewer games) and 2nd to only Hall of Famer Greg Clegane in Shutouts. I don’t know if that’s enough to get Holik into the hall but in my opinion they are stats I can be pleased with. At the end of the day Holik has been my best goalie, hands down, and I’ll be sad to see him go.


Player #9: Roman Sokolov - 315 TPE (In Progress)





Season 53 - 4th Overall




144GP, 46G, 94A, 140P, -52, 426SB


Honestly, this section might be a bit shorter than most. Sokolov is my newest player, having been created with the 2nd player rule. He’s only played 2 seasons on a rebuilding Toronto so obviously his award cabinet is currently empty.


However, as my first defenseman ever, so far I’m pleased with Sokolov. He’s easily (in my opinion) in the discussion for the Labatte award in only his second season after an amazing 245 shots blocked campaign. He also has a respectable 140 points in 144 games which isn’t bad at all for a D-man. I’m not sure Sokolov will ever reach insane levels of play (or a positive +/- at this point) since I’ve mostly been giving him Welfare but he’s still interesting to me. It’s much different to be a defenseman when I never have before and so far I’ve been enjoying it more than I assumed I would. I thoroughly hope the future is as bright for Sokolov as his Sophomore year implied it could be.




So, that’s everything. 7 players with careers ended, 1 that will be ending soon, and 1 just starting. In that time I’ve only managed 1 Hall of Fame introduction and 4 individual awards. I may not make superstars every time, and honestly this might prove to people that I don’t make many great players at all but it’s been a hell of a ride over the past 10 years and I can’t think of anything I would rather be doing with my time. Here’s to the next 10 years and the next generation of Beketov agency players.


*For Sokolov

Edited by Beketov
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Just now, Green said:

I'm sorry!

Really just wanted to rag on you. Couldn’t point how how few awards I have without pointing out how many you have haha. I honestly doubt Miller would have gotten much even without O’Malley and Tordahl around.

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2 minutes ago, punkhippie said:

Nice to see you misspelled your own name too

Not the first time haha

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12 minutes ago, JardyB10 said:

Honourable mention to Motherfucker Sharpe, Robert's bastard: He's terrible and will always be terrible

You took the name Sharpe, you should have known you'd be cursed from the start.

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