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Pack Your Bags Kid?


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Are we seeing a total shift in the makeup of the Cologne Express? With the Express currently 10 points out of the fourth and final playoff spot we could be seeing the end of their run as a possible contender. It would be a shame for this team that showed a lot of promise, to stop dead in their tracks and turn around. However, the logically thing is to possibly pack up and regroup for another turn in the future. With the almost certain management decision of Joey Kendrick stepping down, the team may go for an all out switch. Gordan Bombay may be on the way out as coach as well, but for certain Kendrick will be stepping aside.


"I personally feel a bit of disappointment on both sides. I for one feel like I failed and obviously with only two postseason bids to my name, it is a failure for myself. That being said some of the blame can be put on the players, as I have tried very hard to make it as easy as possible for them to be active members of our team. I feel responsible in the end, but I guess I can't walk away with total blame. Not getting one free agent in my time here certainly stings as it changes the landscape of the league when a guy sign somewhere. To those who say you can't put all your chips into FA, well that's partly false as we found out this year and in the past that one big FA can put your team over the top. I know David (Romanes) will be a great manager and he has already started to feel out the everyday process of the job. I wish him a lot of luck, but know that a man that intelligent may not need it", said Kendrick to reporters.



Edited by Kendrick
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