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From The New Guy


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This week has wrapped up my first ever full regular season in the VHL.


I've recently seen a lot of talk about the league getting stale, and "this being the end" and doom and gloom and all that.  Being as I'm a new comer here, I just wanted to throw my perspective into the ring on the league.


First and foremost I want you guys to know.  I love this.  This is cool as hell.  I love me some slow paced world building video games, and text based simulators, and this is just like, the perfect combination of the two.  I get a little rush of excitement every time I open a game summary to see how my player did and how the team fared.  I'm not a complete newb to forum simulation games.  Back when I was in high school (about 10 years ago now.... that hurt to say)  I was always in GM sim leagues and actually remember the VHL taking off.    My involvement in the sim leagues ranged from casual participation, to holding positions, to actually running one myself for 2 seasons.  


Having that experience let me say this.


I don't think we full appreciate the great hand we're in here in the VHL.  I remember leagues folding and falling apart, and while there may be a bit of a lul in recent history? THE VHL IS NO WHERE EVEN CLOSE TO OVER.  Yes, apparently some long time members have left.  Well that happens in real life.  What sets the VHL apart from any other league I've ever been in is that there are a plethora of users here who are willing to step up into these roles that need to be filled.  I can tell you personally from having a league fall apart under me, there was not even 1/90th of the support that I see here.


The fact that we have so many members passionately arguing about how to better the league is a tribute to the strength of the league.  Apathy is what destroys a league, not caring.


The only real draw back I have seen in the league is sometimes egos seem to run a muck.  It's great that you have been chosen to hold a higher position among your peers, or you've been around for years longer than your peers, but if we all take a deep breath, step back, and work together, I think the VHL can become an even greater thing than we've know it to be.


Selfishly, I hope we figure out the direction we're going because I would hate to just be getting in as everything falls apart.


So here's to the last 10 years of history I have a lot of catching up on to do, and here's to the next 10 that I hope to have a hand in.





Edited by Spade18
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2 hours ago, punkhippie said:

Which league were you in back then, or running @Spade18? I was Charles Wang (forgot the league name) and man, those IRC days were gold.


I honestly couldnt tell you dude.  It's been so long.  But if there was a league poping up like '06-'10 you can be sure I was in it.  Probably under the name Kevo18.


I ran the KHL.  My big thing was going to be that I made custom players for the first round of the '09 draft before it happened.  Aaaand that didnt go so hot.  The league fell apart pretty quickly lol

Edited by Spade18
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2 hours ago, Beaviss said:

Great article I feel the same all the recent hate on the VHLM doesn't make much sence to me beacuse the only people hating on it arnt there. The people in the VHLM are loving it right now and I'm loving running a VHLM team.

95% of the VHLM hate comes from one jaded person

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