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Well hello reader, how is your day? Actually I really don’t care. I am writing this just for the sake of getting this out on the forum. I could have just as well claimed King and Mulligan EP6 for the next 3 weeks for V2A like how I claimed 7 for Ko Kane for a few weeks. But yet here I am sitting here writing this. So just listen. It won’t be long because I don’t have the time or the interest to make it long. Hell I am making this opening as long as I can so what I have to say has to be shorter.


Anyways, here it goes. I Robbie Zimmers the longest standing writer in the magazines history is tossing my hat into the ring for the Editors job. I see no one doing it so why the hell not? I think I can breathe new life into a dying magazine. The league might be dying so why not let it go down with some fun. Hell! If I do not find enough writer interest I will write every article myself if I have to. I’ve done it before in my own magazine that I did a while ago. People actually read it.


People have told me they only “read” the magazine (the leagues) because of my article on the last page. Yes, more people than the now banned Anderson. I believe I can make the magazine fun and interesting to read. Hell I actually have a plan. A plan I do not want to give out. Why? Because I want you people to be shocked by it and interested by it. If you know it’s coming then why read? Where is the interest? Where is the intrigue? I would need to build it up. Hell I have few articles already written for the “last day” or what I call “death day” the day the league finally closes it’s doors. In the event I am no longer around for that, I will give the new editor or someone in the league a finished edition for that very day.


I can almost promise you, that you will not see me around for much longer. As I said above I just opted to go the easy route and claim one PT for multiple weeks and I may just do that for V2A next week. I don’t know yet.  I think I can finish these two players off and then evaluate at the end of each career if I will make my final two players. So for however long I am around I shall run the mag. I will not abandon it. I actually think it’s pretty fucking easy.


So in closing, whether you like me or not you know this is for the best of the mag. You know it will breathe new life into it. Interest for the mag will be at an all-time high. Sure I won’t “edit” articles. But who cares? The mag is for the fun of it. If you really want polished edited article’s I’m sure I can find someone to do that for me. If not… well then live with it.  


For V2A

Edited by BluObieZ
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1 hour ago, BluObieZ said:

 If you really want polished edited article’s I’m sure I can find someone to do that for me.



<------- if you're taking it over I'd do it

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