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Claimed: Komarov [1/2]


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  • 2 weeks later...

Review: This definitely has some pieces that I like - the lighting is solid, as are the render effects. Cloud BGs are pretty hard to work well, but for the most part the render is blended well with the BG. I'm not a huge fan of the overcontrasted render, his face is a bit too bright without a lighting source focused directly on it. I also think the text could be pushed to be over the render, spanning elbow-to-elbow, and I don't particularly like/understand the single letter being outlined. You've definitely done better, but this isn't bad, just needs some work.

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First off, I've noticed his kisser is a tad too bright. Probably about half of that would benefit the aesthetics of the SIG.

I also find the light source near the letter K and above his left shoulder a pinch too harsh. The faded light exposure by his stick seems out of place.

How you guys make the jersey look like that Idk, but its not bad looking at all.

Dont mind the font but like Quick said it may be better placed.

The cloud BG is sweet as it has a comicy look to me.

Biggest fault to me is the lighting, otherwise its still a nice SIG.

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