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Sir Galahad [2/2]


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  • 2 weeks later...

I enjoy the deep recesses of space BG with faint stars.

The touches of colour amongst the BG and helmet add some flair to the render.

Font has that 16th century Gothic look to it...nice choice.

The boarder only half done actually doesn't look too bad at all.

Lighting is subtle and is ok.

Maybe just a touch more sharpness to the player and font? Idk. Still nice though.

A good looking SIG.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Review: This is pretty out there and really cool, IMO. I do think that the left border is a bit unnecessary and kind of distracts from the render, I think the bottom one is fine on its own. I also think that the text could be moved a bit closer to the render, so that they don't look like 2 different pieces so much. The lighting is solid on this, and I like the flares that are splashed in to add some depth.

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