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Ottawa Lynx press conference

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1. How do you feel about Ottawa's chances and the team this season?

2. Were you surprised where you landed in the draft or did you expect it?

3. How excited are you for this next season?

4. Who do you think are going to be announced as captains this season for the Lynx?

5. How are you enjoying the VHL so far? Are you brand new or a veteran?

6. If you had to pick an NHL player to be featured in a graphic for you, who would you choose?

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27 minutes ago, Hogan said:

1. How do you feel about Ottawa's chances and the team this season?

I don't know haven't been on the team long enough


2. Were you surprised where you landed in the draft or did you expect it?

Not really


3. How excited are you for this next season?

I don't really know yet.


4. Who do you think are going to be announced as captains this season for the Lynx?

I don't know at all.


5. How are you enjoying the VHL so far? Are you brand new or a veteran?

I'm brand new so this will be a fun season.


6. If you had to pick an NHL player to be featured in a graphic for you, who would you choose?

I don't know, cant't say it yet.


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14 hours ago, Hogan said:

1. How do you feel about Ottawa's chances and the team this season?

-- I'm hopeful that we'll do good this season. This will be my second season in the M hopefully I can capitalize off that experience.

2. Were you surprised where you landed in the draft or did you expect it?

-- I wasn't too surprised, I did tend to take quite a few penalties last season so that was probably a big red flag for most teams. 

3. How excited are you for this next season?

-- I'm pretty excited, I loved looking over the game sheets and I'm starting to miss that in the offseason.

4. Who do you think are going to be announced as captains this season for the Lynx?

--I'm not sure, I just got picked up by the team and haven't really had time to talk with anybody.

5. How are you enjoying the VHL so far? Are you brand new or a veteran?

-- I'm enjoying it as of right now. I joined last season so I'm pretty new.

6. If you had to pick an NHL player to be featured in a graphic for you, who would you choose?

-- I've been using Rasmus Dahlin for my graphics.


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On 3/16/2024 at 9:35 PM, Hogan said:

1. How do you feel about Ottawa's chances and the team this season?

2. Were you surprised where you landed in the draft or did you expect it?

3. How excited are you for this next season?

4. Who do you think are going to be announced as captains this season for the Lynx?

5. How are you enjoying the VHL so far? Are you brand new or a veteran?

6. If you had to pick an NHL player to be featured in a graphic for you, who would you choose?



1. We have a good chance of doing some damage this season. It'll be nice to be on a new team as well.

2. I'm shocked at how far down I went in the draft. I guess it was that deep this year.

3. I'm very excited to get started. It's nice to be in the VHLM again.

4. I think it'll be one of the higher-ranked people on the team. Or a returning vet.

5. I'm a vet so I'm getting back in the swing of things. It's weird being in the VHLM again.

6. I think it would be Bo Horvat. He's a great player and would represent me perfectly.

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1. Who do you think has the best name on the team, other than yourself? I personally think it's @FreshOceanCod with Ocean Coddoler.

Here's a link to all the names if you need them https://vhlportal.com/teams/11


2. What kind of player are you trying to build?


3. Ottawa used to have a different logo, I'll show the old and new one below. Which do you prefer and why?

Ottawa-LynxCard image cap

          OLD                               NEW


4. What's been your favourite way of earning TPE so far? Do you like writing press conferences, making graphics, clicking that welfare button?


5. Make a bold prediction for howmany points your player will end up with at the end of the season. Do you think they'll have more goals or assists?


6. Do you want me to @ you every week when I post a press conference? They're easily one of the best ways to earn TPE with how fast you can complete them. I'll be @ing a lot of you this week, let me know if you'd prefer if I dont.


@Luke033 @Fno @BigRig @Dominic @youloser1337 @ctoland102 @Legacy @Lando10 @jacobcarson877

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2 hours ago, Hogan said:



1. Who do you think has the best name on the team, other than yourself? I personally think it's @FreshOceanCod with Ocean Coddoler.

Here's a link to all the names if you need them https://vhlportal.com/teams/11

-- I think the best name would have to go to, @BigRig with Hercules Thunderclap. Very creative name combining both Greek Mythology and hockey.


2. What kind of player are you trying to build?

-- Big Shutdown Defense. Ready to lay bodies and throw hands maybe a little Rempe style coming out this season.


3. Ottawa used to have a different logo, I'll show the old and new one below. Which do you prefer and why?

-- I like the new logo a bit more with the slightly more detailed design. The old one kinda reminds me of the Penn State logo.


4. What's been your favourite way of earning TPE so far? Do you like writing press conferences, making graphics, clicking that welfare button?

--Graphics of course. Graphics have been my main source of TPE so far I think they're the most fun to make. To be fair I have only partially attempted the Media Spot tasks.


5. Make a bold prediction for how many points your player will end up with at the end of the season. Do you think they'll have more goals or assists?

-- Not many lol but I'll probably lead the league in PIMs again.


6. Do you want me to @ you every week when I post a press conference? They're easily one of the best ways to earn TPE with how fast you can complete them. I'll be @ing a lot of you this week, let me know if you'd prefer if I dont.

-- @ ing is always welcome where relevant. It makes the forum send me an email which I check more regularly(like at work) than the forum. 


@Luke033 @Fno @BigRig @Dominic @youloser1337 @ctoland102 @Legacy @Lando10 @jacobcarson877


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2 hours ago, Hogan said:



1. Who do you think has the best name on the team, other than yourself? I personally think it's @FreshOceanCod with Ocean Coddoler.

Here's a link to all the names if you need them https://vhlportal.com/teams/11

Definitely has to be the most intimidating name on the team. @Hogan with The Phantom of the VHL.

2. What kind of player are you trying to build?

A big forward who bangs bodies and plays hard for the team when needed most. Also trying to build a wicked shot. 

3. Ottawa used to have a different logo, I'll show the old and new one below. Which do you prefer and why?

Ottawa-LynxCard image cap

          OLD                               NEW

I have to go with the new logo on this one. It reminds me of the original Ottawa Lynx baseball team logo more than the old one does.


4. What's been your favourite way of earning TPE so far? Do you like writing press conferences, making graphics, clicking that welfare button?

I'll be doing the press conferences mostly and I'll also try and create the occasional graphic.

5. Make a bold prediction for how many points your player will end up with at the end of the season. Do you think they'll have more goals or assists?

I'll make a bold prediction of 10-12 goals and 13-15 assists. The goal will be to lead the team in hits and blocks sometime in the future though. 

6. Do you want me to @ you every week when I post a press conference? They're easily one of the best ways to earn TPE with how fast you can complete them. I'll be @ing a lot of you this week, let me know if you'd prefer if I dont.

Yes I would prefer a notification.


@Luke033 @Fno @BigRig @Dominic @youloser1337 @ctoland102 @Legacy @Lando10 @jacobcarson877


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On 3/18/2024 at 6:23 PM, Hogan said:



1. Who do you think has the best name on the team, other than yourself? I personally think it's @FreshOceanCod with Ocean Coddoler.

Here's a link to all the names if you need them https://vhlportal.com/teams/11


2. What kind of player are you trying to build?


3. Ottawa used to have a different logo, I'll show the old and new one below. Which do you prefer and why?

Ottawa-LynxCard image cap

          OLD                               NEW


4. What's been your favourite way of earning TPE so far? Do you like writing press conferences, making graphics, clicking that welfare button?


5. Make a bold prediction for howmany points your player will end up with at the end of the season. Do you think they'll have more goals or assists?


6. Do you want me to @ you every week when I post a press conference? They're easily one of the best ways to earn TPE with how fast you can complete them. I'll be @ing a lot of you this week, let me know if you'd prefer if I dont.


@Luke033 @Fno @BigRig @Dominic @youloser1337 @ctoland102 @Legacy @Lando10 @jacobcarson877


1. I'd say our goalie has the best name on the team. Hugo Boss. It's intimidating and tough sounding. Final boss energy.


2. I'm trying to build a shoot first player. Sort of like a sniper build and a finisher. Essentially a powerplay quarterback.


3. Honestly both have their perks. The old one was more rigid and fierce. It was very flat though. It'd probably look great on a shoulder as an alternative logo.


The new is very defined and detailed. It doesn't have that fierce / intimidating factor though. I would say if it was showing teeth it would be better.


4. Right now, it sucks that I have to hot the welfare button. Working full time in the office is really draining. Especially IT work. I hope to hit that creative juice again and earn all 12 again. For now, I'll do my best to earn as much as possible. I guess that's why I wasn't taken in the early rounds.


5. I think the nature of sths it will always be assists first. The dream would be goals first. I think my player will settle into a 80 ~ 90 point season.


6. I don't mind it. I like it as I usually check forum content so this will be a nice reminder to do it.

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On 3/18/2024 at 6:23 PM, Hogan said:



1. Who do you think has the best name on the team, other than yourself? I personally think it's @FreshOceanCod with Ocean Coddoler.

Here's a link to all the names if you need them https://vhlportal.com/teams/11


2. What kind of player are you trying to build?


3. Ottawa used to have a different logo, I'll show the old and new one below. Which do you prefer and why?

Ottawa-LynxCard image cap

          OLD                               NEW


4. What's been your favourite way of earning TPE so far? Do you like writing press conferences, making graphics, clicking that welfare button?


5. Make a bold prediction for howmany points your player will end up with at the end of the season. Do you think they'll have more goals or assists?


6. Do you want me to @ you every week when I post a press conference? They're easily one of the best ways to earn TPE with how fast you can complete them. I'll be @ing a lot of you this week, let me know if you'd prefer if I dont.


@Luke033 @Fno @BigRig @Dominic @youloser1337 @ctoland102 @Legacy @Lando10 @jacobcarson877

1. My favorite name on the team would have to be Hercules Thunderclap. A solid name that I haven't seen before that also ties into hockey.


2. I want to build a solid two way forward. If I had to pick a player to model myself after it would be Nick Foligno. (Just need to find my Connor Bedard). 


3. The new one is so much better. The old one reminds me of a stock logo you would find in a mobile game. The new one looks more modern and definitely looks betters overall.


4. I enjoy doing any sort of writing. I've been having trouble fitting a 500-word article into my schedule, but I plan on doing those in the near future. I'm enjoying these press conferences and plan on answering all 6 questions every week. 


5. So far, Sammy only has one point, but I believe with some updates he can turn things around. I would say a bold prediction would be 35 points. I plan on upgrading passing a lot so definitely more assists.


6. Please keep tagging me. Every little reminder to get these done is good. If I hated the pings I would just mute them  

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1. How are you feeling so far into the season? What are your thoughts on your player and your team?


2. Do you prefer the forums or the discord as a way to interact with teammates?


3. What's your favourite snack?


4. What's the next thing you want to improve on your player? If you dont know, feel free to ask somebody.


5. If you could pick a song for everytime the Lynx scored, what would you pick?


6. Would you rather win 3 indiviual awards or a Founders Cup? (playoff champions)


@Luke033 @Fno @BigRig @Dominic @youloser1337 @ctoland102 @Legacy @Lando10 @FreshOceanCod @jacobcarson877

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1. So far so good! Getting some points, winning some games. No real standouts so far, and someone else deserves to be that standout more than me here in the M so I'll take it!

2. Discord, but I like to stop by and check out teammmates content when I can!

3. Strawberry wafer cookies or sour cream and onion chips.

4. I'll be getting a ton more DF once I can uncap (and so should you, oh viewer! DF is too good!)

5. 1 hour of cats meowing. Meow.

6. Founders Cup! Awards are for losers boo

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3 hours ago, Hogan said:



1. How are you feeling so far into the season? What are your thoughts on your player and your team?


--I think my player is doing pretty well this season. I've stayed out of the penalty box and even landed my first First Star of the season. Hopefully there are more of those ahead in the future. 


2. Do you prefer the forums or the discord as a way to interact with teammates?


-- I prefer using the discord to communicate with teammates. I've always got my discord notifications on so it keeps me more up to date with whats happening.


3. What's your favourite snack?


--I like trail mix a lot. That or the Flamin' Hot Nacho Doritos. Pregame though I'll stick with the trail mix so I don't get a stomach ache.


4. What's the next thing you want to improve on your player? If you don't know, feel free to ask somebody.


-- I would like to improve my scoring. I have done alright so far but I feel like I should dump some TPE in those sections for later in my career.


5. If you could pick a song for everytime the Lynx scored, what would you pick?

-- Kill or be Killed by Spite. Song goes hard what can I say. (first 30 seconds for sure after each of my goals)

(whoops didn't know it would post the full thumbnail in here lol)

6. Would you rather win 3 indiviual awards or a Founders Cup? (playoff champions)

Founders Cup for sure. Its one thing to be a great player but when you have the whole team buzzing there's no better feeling. 

@Luke033 @Fno @BigRig @Dominic @youloser1337 @ctoland102 @Legacy @Lando10 @FreshOceanCod @jacobcarson877


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4 hours ago, Hogan said:



1. How are you feeling so far into the season? What are your thoughts on your player and your team?

Ok, I think my player is under performing ngl.

2. Do you prefer the forums or the discord as a way to interact with teammates?


3. What's your favourite snack?

A5 waygu steak

4. What's the next thing you want to improve on your player? If you dont know, feel free to ask somebody.

Everything in general

5. If you could pick a song for everytime the Lynx scored, what would you pick?


6. Would you rather win 3 indiviual awards or a Founders Cup? (playoff champions)




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1. So far I'm feeling good about the season. Keifer started out slow but is now starting to put up some points. I am very happy with the teams performance thus far. Goof job Hogan!


2. Discord is much better to communicate with teammates. If it wasn't for Discord, I probably wouldn't be in this league. 


3. I go through phases with snacks. For most of the past year I actually cut them out of my diet. Recently, though I've been eating a lot of Annies cheddar bunnies.


4. I want to make my player a really good playmaker so probably passing and speed. Deking and puck handling will also be updated soon.


5. Probably "Fein" by Travis Scott. Would have to have fire shooting out of the scoreboard and have a bit added before the song where Travis yells "IM FEINING FOR MORE" 

don't click on that video if you don't do well with flashing lights lol.


6. I would definitely rather have the founder's cup. Individual awards are cool, and I hope to win some, but I'd much rather win cups if I had to choose.

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On 3/25/2024 at 5:16 PM, Hogan said:



1. How are you feeling so far into the season? What are your thoughts on your player and your team?


2. Do you prefer the forums or the discord as a way to interact with teammates?


3. What's your favourite snack?


4. What's the next thing you want to improve on your player? If you dont know, feel free to ask somebody.


5. If you could pick a song for everytime the Lynx scored, what would you pick?


6. Would you rather win 3 indiviual awards or a Founders Cup? (playoff champions)


@Luke033 @Fno @BigRig @Dominic @youloser1337 @ctoland102 @Legacy @Lando10 @FreshOceanCod @jacobcarson877



1. I feel good about the season so far! I think my player is very hot and cold. It's very strange. He will be scoring a bunch and then just go cold and be off the score sheet.


2. I spend too much time on discord, so discord. I mainly check the forum for content.


3. I love pretzels. Pretzel nuggets with peanut butter is S+ tier.


4. I want to get my Defense or Skating up next after getting my PS up. PS seems to be working well on the shootouts so far!


5. Probably NANANANANANA by My Chemical Romance. I feel like it would be fitting.


6. Founders Cup easily. You don't get remembered for an individual trophy, you get remembered for winning a cup.

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1. Where do you see yourself next season? Staying in the VHLM? Or moving up?


2. What do you think has been the main reason behind our success this season?


3. Did you end up falling for any April fools jokes this year?


4. What's your favourite sport outside of hockey? What's your favourite teams?


5. If you could take over the VHL for a day what would you do?


6. Whats your all time favourite movie?


@Luke033 @Fno @BigRig @Dominic @youloser1337 @ctoland102 @Legacy @Lando10 @FreshOceanCod @jacobcarson877

Edited by Hogan
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1 hour ago, Hogan said:



1. Where do you see yourself next season? Staying in the VHLM? Or moving up?


2. What do you think has been the main reason behind our success this season?


3. Did you end up falling for any April fools jokes this year?


4. What's your favourite sport outside of hockey? What's your favourite teams?


5. If you could take over the VHL for a day what would you do?


6. Whats your all time favourite movie?


@Luke033 @Fno @BigRig @Dominic @youloser1337 @ctoland102 @Legacy @Lando10 @FreshOceanCod @jacobcarson877

1. I'll be in the VHLE! Excited to see which team drafts me!
2. Lots and lots of talent across the board. Everyone's a star.
3. Pretty much all of them tbh. Someone had to tell me the Slater trade wasn't real, I wouldn't have had any idea.
4. I played travel volleyball... a lot... as a teenager, so that's my favourite from a playing perspective. I really don't watch much hockey even these days, I've really become more interested in the math behind sports than the actual sports... whoops
5. Thankfully I'm in the BOG so I've already taken over the VHL (not really, all of my suggestions end up being dumb whoopsies)!
6. Good Will Hunting, and yes I cry every time. No shame.

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1. Where do you see yourself next season? Staying in the VHLM? Or moving up?

-- I think I should be playing up in the VHLE next season given my current tpe is at the limit for the M.


2. What do you think has been the main reason behind our success this season?

-- I would have to say our defense is coming in clutch this season. Jillian Woods has been putting in that work so far and has been getting points left and right. 


3. Did you end up falling for any April fools jokes this year?

-- None that I am aware of. 


4. What's your favourite sport outside of hockey? What's your favourite teams?

-- Favorite sport outside of hockey would be disc golf. Not so much a team based sport but Team Innova is pretty good.


5. If you could take over the VHL for a day what would you do?

-- Probably have a shootout tournament where each team would send their best scorers to go 1v1. I don't know though probably just regular all star kinda stuff.


6. Whats your all time favourite movie?

-- I really like Office Space. I think it really captures the office environment well and the humor in it is just right.

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1. I think I will be staying down here next season. Not a problem as I've had a slow start. I plan to pick it up starting this week. 


2. I think even production throughout the lineup has been huge. We obviously have our main scorers like Phantom, but the whole lineup can contribute when needed.


3. I didn't, but someone else was telling me how they fell for a co-worker giving a two weeks notice and I believed it even though they weren't even trying to trick me lol.


4. Oh man, either football or baseball. I think I'll have to give the slight edge to baseball for now. 


5. I feel like I haven't been around long enough to know what could be improved. BUT, I think every league could use better media. Maybe my one change would be to have a streamed draft show.


6. Definitely Black Hawk Down. I watched this movie with some friends when I was younger and since have watched it over 10 more times and read the book. War movies are always interesting and I'm beyond thankful for the real heroes these pieces of fiction are based off.

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1. Are you going to be participating in theme week this week for an extra 6 uncapped TPE?


2. Related to theme week, if you could rebrand the Lynx into anything else what would you choose?


3. Do you think we can hold onto first place for the rest of the remaining season?


4. Do you collect anything? I'm personally into cards.


5. How did you hear about the VHL?


6. What do you think would be a good way to recruit for the VHL? Was the way you found it the best or do you think theres a better idea out there?


@Luke033 @Fno @BigRig @ctoland102 @FreshOceanCod @jacobcarson877 @youloser1337 @Dominic @Lando10 @Legacy

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On 4/8/2024 at 5:55 PM, Hogan said:



1. Are you going to be participating in theme week this week for an extra 6 uncapped TPE?

-- I will be participating in the theme week. I may try my hand this time at a media spot.

2. Related to theme week, if you could rebrand the Lynx into anything else what would you choose?

-- Probably a different animal, something that likes to be near the water a bit more. Don't want to give away the theme for my media spot.

3. Do you think we can hold onto first place for the rest of the remaining season?

-- I'd like to think we could hold onto our spot this season. We've been working well as a team so far so if everything keeps up I'm sure we'll do great.

4. Do you collect anything? I'm personally into cards.

-- I collect records. I've got a few milk crates full of the, at this point.

5. How did you hear about the VHL?

I think I heard of it from a youtube video but I don't exactly remember which channel.

6. What do you think would be a good way to recruit for the VHL? Was the way you found it the best or do you think theres a better idea out there?

-- I think that youtube videos are good ways to reach people. Not too many people that I know don't watch at least a few videos a day.



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On 4/8/2024 at 5:55 PM, Hogan said:



1. Are you going to be participating in theme week this week for an extra 6 uncapped TPE?

Maybe, I don't know yet.

2. Related to theme week, if you could rebrand the Lynx into anything else what would you choose?

I would LTIR or the Ottawa Long term injury reserves.

3. Do you think we can hold onto first place for the rest of the remaining season?

Depends if everything goes well during the season.

4. Do you collect anything? I'm personally into cards.


5. How did you hear about the VHL?

Video on youtube.

6. What do you think would be a good way to recruit for the VHL? Was the way you found it the best or do you think theres a better idea out there?

Get more people on YouTube to sponsor the league.



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1. I'll probably get around to doing theme week after I finish this.


2. I personally wouldn't rebrand the Lynx however if I had to, I would probably rebrand them to the Ottawa guides as a nod to the extensive amount of tourism that Ottawa gets.


3. I think we will have no problem holding onto first after our most recent trade.


4. I also collect cards! Feel free to send me pictures of any Boston cards you have on Discord!


5.  I'm pretty sure I found it through a search engine lol. 


6. There's definitely a better way than trusting the search engine to bring people your way. If I was tasked with recruiting I would do it through internet advertisements on hockey related articles. If people like reading about hockey, maybe they enjoy writing about it as well. 

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1. Have you been watching the last week of the NHL? Who's your favourite team?


2. Do you have a favourite sports player? Any sport


3. How did you react to the trade bringing in @Chillybro's player?


4. Did you think the team was going to make any more moves?


5. If you could choose a sound to be played in the arena when your player steps on the ice what would it be?


6. Have you ever thought of recruiting anyone to the league? Theres a TPE incentive incase you didn't know.


@Luke033 @Fno @BigRig @FreshOceanCod @ctoland102 @jacobcarson877 @youloser1337 @Lando10 @Legacy

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1. Oh yeah I have. Go Bruins, and I am going to game one!


2. If I had to pick a favorite sports player it would be David Pastrnak. Obvious choice as a Bruins fan, I know. If I had to pick a player from another sport it would probably be Ceddanne Rafaela from the Boston Red Sox.


3. I definitely was happy with the trade that brought in Chilly. 


4. I wasn't sure if the team would make any moves, but in the back of my head I was hoping for one or two more trades.  


5. When I play NHL 24, I have an elephant sound play after my player scores a goal, so let's go with that.  


6. I have tried recruiting friends to sim leagues in the past to no avail. Maybe I'll get one to join someday. 

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