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Thoughts on the New Defenseman Award


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The Jack Sound  Jake Wylde Trophy


To start off, the name change was the right move. I can see why Sound was selected based off of his all-time stats, but as someone who was a physical defenseman during Jack Sound's career, I don't recall anyone mentioning Sound's defensive play during that time, in fact I don't really remember anything about Jack Sound. On the flip side, while Wylde put up good offensive numbers, it was his defensive efforts that put him in the Hall of Fame (I believe he was the first player to make the HoF with under a point per game average) so it obviously makes a lot of sense to name the award after him. I did notice in the thread some people suggesting Encarnacion for the award, but in truth I forfeited the right to have awards named after me once I started seeking the actively terrible teams to pad my defensive stats over the last two seasons of my career. I got what I was after though, leading the All-Time Defenseman stats in hits and shots blocked.


As for the award itself, I can certainly see where people were coming from when they say that it will be a difficult award to decide upon a winner on a consistent basis as, like Boubabi mentioned in the thread, there's not really enough defenseman statistics to gather how good a defenseman actually was defensively. It's still a big improvement on Top Leader though.


Edited by Tagger
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