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Welcome AnthonyOuellet!


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Welcome to the VHL, AnthonyOuellet! We're happy to have you. You should have received a PM with some more detailed information, but to get started quickly you will want to head over to the create-a-player forum.


Once you're there, create a player by starting a new topic and pasting in one of the following templates (completed):


Skater Template


VHL Skater Template

  • Your player cannot be taller than 80 inches (6'8") or shorter than 65 inches (5'5")
  • Your player cannot exceed 250 lbs or weigh less than 140 lbs.
  • No special characters in player names. Things like 'ä' will be entered into the sim as a plain letter 'a'. 
  • You may apply 30 points (TPE) to your player at creation. As attributes start at 40, these 30 points can simply be applied at a 1:1 scale. (Please note our update scale for your future additions)


Please apply 30 TPE to your player at creation.

(Copy everything below the lines)


VHL Player Template


Player Information

Username: AnthonyOuellet
Full Name: 
Recruited By/From: 
Would you like an experienced member to mentor you? 

Player Attributes

Total Points Earned: 30

CK = Checking: 40
FG = Fighting: 40
DI = Discipline: 40
SK = Skating: 40
ST = Strength: 40
PH = Puck Handling: 40
FO = Face Offs: 40
PA = Passing: 40
SC = Scoring: 40
DF = Defense: 40
PS = Penalty Shot: 40
EX = Experience: 40
LD = Leadership: 40

Jersey Number: 
Height (inches): 
Weight (lbs.): 


Career Stats

Player Movement

Past Players


Goalie Template


VHL Goalie Template

  • Your player cannot be taller than 80 inches (6'8") or shorter than 65 inches (5'5")
  • Your player cannot exceed 250 lbs or weigh less than 140 lbs.
  • No special characters in player names. Things like 'ä' will be entered into the sim as a plain letter 'a'. 
  • You may apply 30 points (TPE) to your player at creation. As attributes start at 35, these 30 points can simply be applied at a 1:1 scale. (Please note our update scale for your future additions)


Please apply 30 points to your player at creation.


VHL Goalie Template


Player Information
Username: AnthonyOuellet
Full Name: 
Recruited By:

Player Attributes

Total Points Earned: 30

SK = Skating: 35
SZ = Size: 35
AG = Agility: 35
RB = Rebound Control: 35
SC = Style Control: 35
HS = Hand Speed: 35
RT = Reaction Time: 35
PS = Penalty Shot: 35
EX = Experience: 35
LD = Leadership: 35

Jersey Number: 
Height (inches): 
Weight (lbs.): 


Career Stats

Player Movement

Past Players


Once that's done, VHLM General Managers will be in touch with you about joining their teams. In the meantime, please feel free to ask any questions you have here or in your create-a-player thread. We're happy to have you in the community and we hope you stick around! 

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12 minutes ago, AnthonyOuellet said:

Hey thank you, happy to be here! 


Welcome to the site! If you need anything let me know I’d be happy to help!

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2 minutes ago, Beaviss said:


Welcome to the site! If you need anything let me know I’d be happy to help!



Thank you sir! Just saw that you are the manager of the Quebec team, ( J'adore le Québec) I'm from there actually, hope my player will play in those colors one day ;)



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8 minutes ago, AnthonyOuellet said:

Since you guys are in the middle of a season, should i wait to the off season? 

No perfect time to create a player now. You by pass the upcoming draft snd head into the following draft.  Giving you a season and and half head start on others in the same draft class

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2 minutes ago, AnthonyOuellet said:

oh awesome then 


Yeah takes longer to get drafted but you will be a top prospect come your draft aslong as your active.

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12 minutes ago, AnthonyOuellet said:

Not sure to understand how it works, ill be in the league, but ill be drafted after? 

You'll be in the minors for the rest of this season and next season. You'll be drafted to a VHLM team this offseason and a VHL team next off season

Edited by Smarch
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