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The New American GM


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I haven't had a lot of time because of work since the announcement was made but I just wanted to touch on my recent hiring as the new GM for the New York Americans.


First and foremost, I have to thank @STZ.  He approached me about this opportunity a decent while ago.  At first I was hesitant.  I had just landed my first gig as the GM of the Aces and felt woefully unprepared for a job in the big leagues.  I will admit, even the other week when he informed me he was stepping down at the end of this season, It took me a while to respond to him.  To be perfectly honest, I felt as though I was leaving a job undone in Vegas and the VHLM.  I wanted to leave behind a legacy to be proud of in Vegas.  I wanted to spread my roots as a grower of the league and there were even parts of me that planned on Vegas being my first and final spot.  Speaking candidly, I'm disappointed at what I left behind in Vegas.  I made it to game 7 of the finals last season and lost.  And while I'm immensely proud of the team I built to get there, I'm disappointed in myself that I wasn't able to that make one more move, or encourage one of my guys to do that one extra point task that could have pushed us over the edge.  Then this season I finished last.  I never pictured myself leaving a Vegas at the bottom of the standings, but circumstances deemed it so.


From all of this how ever, I learned a lot.  Not even just tactics or line combos, but how to reach out to guys that seem to be struggling.  How to keep a presence in the locker room, so even years when the team is only one or two active players, we can still get to 4 pages of convos.  I learned how to value my own assets based on my ideas and not allow myself to be swayed.  I learned when to pull the trigger on a trade and when to hold back.  


So while I leave Vegas with a heavy heart, I come to the big city with a glint in my eye, ready to show the VHL that I'm the right man for the job.  Having Colton on the team the last few years makes the transition easier as many of the guys I have a long (relative) relationship with, even better so that a few of them are the reason I stuck around in the VHL in the first place.


I've heard whispers that the window is closed for the Americans.  The we missed our shot against Helsinki this season.


I don't believe it.  This group has one more run in them, and this will be the year we lift the Cup in New York.  And God Damn am I looking forward to it.



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@Spade18 well said Vegas fans are going to be Chea........ Crying in the streets. 


It it was great having you in the VHLM and I’m sure we can also have some good times in the big leagues. 

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