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Dear Mom and Dad,


I write to you from the wonderful wooden desk that the two of you gifted me; I have placed the desk situated under the window in my living room that overlooks the park across the street. I quite enjoy this view and when the weather permits, I enjoy having the window open. The sounds of life gently reach my ears and the smell of the trees or sometimes fresh cut grass, waft up and fill my nostrils and it sends me into peaceful thoughts. Look at me, I am rambling and I have forgotten the purpose of my letter.


I know Dad has been watching my games on the television as he sends me texts after each one, and I am sure he has excitedly told you all the scores after each one. I cannot believe that my team is in the finals. I cannot believe that we have forced a game 7 in the finals. I am beyond excited for this chance to be crowned a champion and yet, I can feel the nerves in my body and I feel like I will be ill some moments. 


I am unsure if you two remember but the team we are playing, the Calgary Wranglers, is the team that drafted me several seasons ago. The manager saw something in me and took a chance on me but I was unable to reward his faith and I let him down. I am happy to see that the team is still well built despite the fact that I was a disappointment but I fear that I may disappoint their manager one more time; if I can hoist the cup over my head at his expense I feel that it will be another blow felt.


We have yet to win two games in a row against the Wranglers and we have been having a difficult time solving Norris Stopko, their world-class goaltender. Stopko has been a virtual brick wall in net and even though we boast a deep team full of talented players, we have yet to see him falter. I worry that his poise is too high and we shall be defeated by his calm and steady perfection. Gabe has been producing at an elite level and he tells us not to worry, if we play to our potential then we can win. 


I wish I could duplicate his steadfast confidence but I am too worrisome of a person. It would be easier if I were playing better hockey but I cannot seem to put all of my skills to use at once. I have a disastrous shooting percentage and though I have tried all of the tricks that Dad taught me, I cannot seem to make it work. My hope in most games is just that I do not let my teammates down or embarrass myself too badly. I wish Mom were here to show me the folly of my thinking.


I shall leave you on this note as I must prepare for the biggest hockey game of my life. I will do my best preparations to ensure that I can make a mark on the game and hopefully I make you two proud. I cannot thank you enough for all of the support and love that you have shown me over my life. I look forward to seeing you after the season reaches its conclusion.


Love, Otto


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Edited by Dangles13
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