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Moving forward I wanna start doing 3 point podcasts instead of Fan590s. If y'all could ask me some questions in here that'd be cool. Ask as many or as few as you want, and feel free to make em weird. I'll keep this as a running thread and just go through however many threads it takes me to hit the 10 minute mark each week.

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1. Why sniff and not taste? They're obviously used in similar facets, but doesn't that muffin look yummy?

2. What VHL rule do you think needs changing?

3. What new VHL rule might you decide on adding?

4. Any surprises (see pick 3) in the VHL draft that you'd like to talk about?

5. Fuck Marry Kill, but with players in your VHL locker room. 

1. How would you feel if I as a player with 40 on scoring openly blame Harding if our line ever has hard time scoring goals?


2.  I´m currently thinking about putting together a vote that could potentially make Quebecs locker room Hall and Oates - only area when it comes down to music - your take on that?


3.  Picture this, Harding has just scoring his first goal in VHL - I go and pick the puck up from the ice, but instead of handing it to you - I will throw it into the stands, is that something that could make things awkward between us?




what is you wearing?
what deadly sin are you?

do you play other roguelikes like Binding of Isaac?

what should the next VHL(M) expansion team be named?

Edited by McWolf
added one VHL related question cause i felt bad

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