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Davos gives up third rounders + Mulligan for AAR


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At first I obviously wanted to add Casey Jones. He's 78 overall vs. 76 overall with Ron and he is also getting better and updating. However, in the end it became clear to me the only way a Jones trade would/should work if if I gave up a first + a player on my roster. I wanted to keep my Season 63 first because of obvious reasons (check how many free agents Davos has upcoming) and while I understand that the two third round picks this year do hold some value, I figured it was a gamble I was willing to take. Adding AAR makes us 59 overall alongside Quebec and Calgary who are both also at the same overall. The second half of the season should be an interesting one but in all honest we are all planning for the playoffs anyway by now. With next season and beyond such a mystery for Davos, it just made the most sense to protect myself as best I could in the event I lose players to free agency. Either way the rest of the season should be fun and hopefully my new lines + strategies turn successful.

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