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Kallis the goalie. Bio. [2/2]


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That was already covered by some hockey scouts (also by rookie profile which was made by myself), but Kallis Kriketers is indeed an odd case. Just a normal guy; playing hockey just for fun; just watching it with friends with a beer can in hands. This is what was happening with him before he was found by @hedgehog337 agency and Benjamin Zeptenbergs. It's safe to say he is not that normal guy that used to be anymore. Now he's one of the biggest hopes of Riga - it's not a secret that this is an important position so he came just right in time. Now let's cover his life a bit.




*In red - his hometown;

In blue - where is he going to play soon*




Kallis Kriketers was born in a small place in Latgale region named Dagda. It has yet to be found his real age although he says he is 21 now. We couldn't find his birth info as this is being hidden by his parents and Kallis himself for some unknown reason. But according to him, he was born in Autumn. It's your choice to believe him or not. Anyways, back to his life. Well, there's nothing much to write about as his first years weren't filled with memorable moments. As we mentioned earlier, he was just a normal guy...normal child. We do know his first dream though - he wanted to become a fireman. Obviously, these were just child dreams, but this is not the last time the fireman career option will show up in his life. 





7 years old. He just became a schoolboy. Finally his parents started to think about his future. The sport also was the thing they were considering, but it wasn't easy to start that. After all, Dagda was too small for big things. And since Kallis already became a first grader his parent thoughts about sport ended up immediately. Like, football in some yard? Ok. Playing basketball in some yard? Ok. Hockey? This sport actually still isn't very popular in a Latgale region so we can already figure it out what parents were thinking about this sport back then. So instead of puzzling over it they just decided to refresh their memory about his child dreams. That's the part when the fireman career started to become a reality. They knew it still was too early to give a child Kallis a direction, but they promised to themselves he's going to know about that when he grows up a bit.






He's 13. He already knows about his child dream...and he actually didn't give a shit about it. After all, he was a teenager and he wasn't bothered by these kind of things. What about sports? Well, playing football in some yard? Ok. Playing basketball in some yard? Ok. Hockey? You already know the answer. But other than that, still nothing very memorable. Perhaps he had these moments, but for some reasons he's hiding them...any but one. Anyways, we do know this is the period when he started to do teenager things. And you know what, he's still acts like a teenager sometimes. All these tamper tantrums, idgaf attitude and other teeny behaviours were part of his life.


So what's about his only known memorable moment? It happened when he actually was 13. Not only he was just a normal guy, he also was a ...normal teenager. Like a lot of his peers he tended to do some bad things because it's ''cool'' for them. In his case, he joined a bad company. He never was a hell of a smoker or drinker and he never took drugs either. Anyways, he was one of these lil' hooligans who stole things just to impress his buddies. It's even more impressive he never was caught by police. He never was a super fast guy, but he was too agile for them. Little he knew his awesome agility will be needed in his life. But what he knew really good is he would have no hockey career; or no life either, had he moved 3-5 centimeters left to catch a bullet with his head.


''It was just another night with my buddies. We got a bit drunk and we've decided to go to Taller [a club in Daugavpils, the city where this incident took place]. Of course we didn't gave a single bollocks we weren't even 18 to enter the club. We just went there for messing up things. And we did just that - the security was fuming when we were screwing up their jobs. However, this wasn't the most interesting moment of that night. Some big bullies saw this and decided to boost their ego by making fun of us. But because we were fearless (and idiots) we didn't run away but started to acting tough in front of these dudes. One of them was so triggered he decided to pull something out of his pocket. We thought this is gonna be a knife. Instead, he just pulled a pistol and started to make threats. Well, little I knew one of us also had a pistol! Of course he didn't back up and continued to ''act like a G''. So I guess I don't need to tell you what happened next - these two were too psychos to stop. The crowd in the club and everybody else were screaming in panic and tried to hide out of bullets. Unfortunately, one of them couldn't escape in time and got shot. I also remember how one of shots almost catched me. I don't know how, but I got lucky. I literally felt how this little piece of metal flew near of me. That was scary as hell. Fast forward, these two were arrested and I believe they are still sitting in jail although the guy from our company was 17 when that shooting happened.''


Needless to say, this thiller worthy incident put and end to Kallis the lil hooligan. His parents have decided to finally raise their child properly and he never joined another bad company again.


17 years. His life came back to normal after that mass shooting thing, but his future was still under question. He still had a fireman job as an option, but he didn't felt this is the best thing he could do in his life. Nothing else came up on his and his parents mind and it looked like the future Riga goalie was about to become yet another loader or cashier...until he met non other than Fredinamijs Krīgars who was visiting his aunt in Dagda (it was an off-season in VHL). Kallis was hearing about this player all the time, but he never was really into hockey to be a fan of him. Anyways, he decided to participate in a hockey game which was happening in Daugavpils. It was made by Freddy himself for fun and also he was lowkey searching for some talents from Latgale region. There were no much players in this event since it never was hyped enough so Krik didn't have problems to make the roster. There were problems, however with choosing a position. He felt he could do better as a forward, but he wasn't the only one with the same thoughts. At the end, he was put in the net...






......and this story pretty much ends here. The rest was a history. Freddy was so impressed with Kallis that the first thing he did after he came back to Riga was telling about this talent to his GM Zeptenbergs and to head of the @hedgehog337 agency. And of course these both could've just ignored his words, but all of this happened when Krīgars was in his peak and it wasn't easy to impress him. So Benjamin decided to call to Kriketers' family and invite a boy to Hedge agency office. Obviosly, he accepted that invite. It definitely was better than just taking a mid or low tier job.


But if you think his comeup was fast - WRONG. He actually spent four more years in Latvia playing in some region or higher-tier games before going really becoming the Riga property. The VHL scouts and us were mentioning that he was just playing hockey and in one day became the Reign's goaltending future - WE LIED TO YOU. Benjamin basically was holding him with an option to finally sign him in case if his team's goalie future is going to be bleak. And that day happened when Zep realized Aamo didn't pan out like he wanted.





@Doomsday did it



21 years old. Kallis Kriketers, the Ottawa Lynx goalie and the future goalie of the Riga Reign team. Enough said.

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Review: Honestly this was a really good biography, literally the only thing wrong was that you didn't really format anything for the title like at the beginning. But still a really great job.

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