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My team rankings #3


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It's been a month since I wrote the last article here. Two articles, to be more precise. And here I am with another one. For some of you this format is familliar. I did these rankings two times and this is going to be a third time. Let's see if something has changed since the last time. I'm too lazy to find the second edition of this but I believe I know teams placements there. 



8. YkbcAci.png&key=2f5bbd72699cdc149e836a80


The first two teams are pretty much easy to rank since I never had any interraction with them. Maybe except for trade talks. No hate, it's just I don't know this and next team well to rank them higher. Last time I was mentioning the S47 NA finals as the reason why this team is low, but right now this is old news. I guess they could get up if some of my players ends up here, but not now. 


7. GV7gz6D.png&key=f15340b743a0d3f1c4b02125


The only reason I put them higher than NY is I had fun watching boubs going off against the whole league. Maybe because I was just a spectator there. And Helsinki has ex-Riga player Paolo Nano. Other than that, there are no difference between this team and the Americans. 


6. S3UYplM.png&key=bb0080572b896adac239a9e2


Nothing changes here as well. I know that Seattle was #6 team last time and looks like they are lock number six for some time. It's just appeared that I like to beat this team. Good news, this team isn't going lower that this spot unless either Helsinki or NY gets my player. After all, I was playing for them for some time. 


5. ZsXsIWu.png&key=2ad449ca6625f843b5cf7d8a


I think this team was higher in previous occasions. But there are no reasons why Calgary should be higher than #5. Yes, S47 and thing. But again, this is old news and after that I never had any experience with this team. I'm pretty neutral on this team at this moment. 


4. kbDfIPB.png&key=9de04dd41cad7484aaf4ad3b


This is the first time Quebec is out of TOP 3. I'm still fine with this team, but there is one team that is constantly climbing up in my rankings. And the fact I never was playing there more than season and a half with any of my players drags QC down too. I just never had a long term experience with them. But other than that, nothing bad can be said about this team. 


3. qMyydOu.png&key=ec179e10cc9c6810b619ba65


Davos is the team that is climbing up in my rankings all the time. I could bring up the S56 EU finals when Davos threw my Riga out of playoffs, but that loss wasn't painful tbh. I had a positive relationship with the Dynamo most of times and also Randoms is playing there. So they are #3 here and may stay here for a while...if they won't hand us a painful loss in playoffs. 


2. Cm8DD5l.png&key=687143c034ef739ade265c47


This team is #2 cause of multiple reasons. Last two seasons of Zeptenbergs when he took a part of building a team that eventually became the three peat team. Guntis Petenis also was playing there. Without a success, but at least he was there. Their current GM, Devise is also playing for Riga with Pajari. It remains to be seen if this team will hold the #2 spot in my heart, but it may be a while. The only reason why Toronto could slip up if I won't have any interraction with them in next 10-15 seasons. That might cool my feelings down towards this team. But until then, no changes here. 


1. ttuFXuQ.png&key=81e3354ef73b79a96c709226


No comments/you don't say. 



That's it and I'm out. 


6 TPE goes to Kallis. 

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