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Good morning(?) VHL.com readers and welcome to "A cup of Joe with Joe" where we sit down with our favorite Joe and talk to him about his morning routine before a game.


"Not coffee, to start it off," Nixon stated quickly, "I don't like coffee, never have. I get my day started with some juice or something else healthy then eventually move myself to caffeine throughout the day. I prefer the garbage sugary drinks that are definitely gonna kill me in the future, but let's be real they taste pretty damn good."


"I'm a shower in the morning kinda guy. I'll shower in the morning and after practices and games. I can't stand to be sweaty but I also really can't stand waking up with that greasy hair plastered to my head and shit like that," Nixon continued about his morning routine. "As a hockey player, you have to respect the flow. If you got it though, you know the kinda grease I'm talking about it and you definitely hate it too."


I asked Nixon what his favorite thing to eat in the morning was, and he answered quickly, "I'm a real grab and go eater for breakfast, but if I get a chance to make some real food I'm a slut for some breakfast sandwiches. Ham, egg, and cheese are a godly combination which has powers matched by no other sandwich in this universe." I also asked what his go-to was for a grab and go meal, and he said "pop tarts. Those things are delicious, sugary, bad for me, but most importantly delicious. Cherry and Brown Sugar Cinnamon are the best, don't at me."


"I'm usually punctual to practice. I know it takes me extra time to put my pads on so I get there extra time early. Sometimes I try to get there too early and rush out of my house too soon trying to beat the rush but honestly that just doesn't work out," Joe said of morning skates, "it's my job to be there though and I'm not about to be the bad teammate who comes late. So I show up with my breakfast sometimes but I'm there and ready to roll."


I asked how Joe's routine differs when the team goes on the road, and he said, "I love the traveling we do. We go to some great cities and get some great experiences. My routine stays about the same, but there's just some things, such as poptarts, that are just unavailable on that road trip. I should really start to remember to pack those soon." Nixon said of the hotels, "I don't mind them, honestly. In some cities those beds are real comfortable, get me extra rested, and I'll be refreshed for the day. Nothing compares to a home bed but honestly I don't mind an above par hotel room when we're out on the road.


I asked if there were any other parts of the routine we missed during this interview, but Joe said no, saying, "I live a relatively normal life when it comes to my routine. The basics are the basics and that's all I need. I'm not much of a meditater or superstitious guy. I just like to go about my day like it was any other."


Bug thanks to Joe, as always, for checking in with us. Catch you again soon!

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