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Anthony Matthews' Press Conference

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1. is HHH jealous that you can carry the second line? 

2. can you say that Yukon has the chance for the championship?

3. are you confident Yukon can make the playoffs?

4. is the any rivalry with Teagan Glover?

5. do you think Riga GM is too lazy to show up in discord and finally make own Riga LR there?

6. which team LR is more active, Vegas or Yukon?


@Anthony Matthews

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1) Who do you think will go 1st overall?

2) How do you feel about yukons play this season?

3) Whats one thing yukon needs to work on to make the playoffs/go for a playoff run?

4) Do you have any relation to the leafs Matthews in the NHL?

5) How do you feel about your performance as of late?

6) What line mate brings out the best of you on the ice? 


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1. Since you are part of the Riga family, who are you looking forward to play with?

2. What are your short term goals in the VHL/VHLM?

3. Thoughts on the Islander fan's newfound hate on Tavares?

4. Favourite Teammate?

5. If you had to play in the CHL, which team would you play for?

7. Did you realize I skipped 6?

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1. Is HHH jealous that you can carry the second line? 


Why do you think he wanted a trade?

I told the GM, why am I playing on the wing when I'm a better centre than he is.  He switches it up (and gives HHH second line centre dooties), and we start to get out of the slump.

Because of me, HHH's face-off percentage has increased (he was taking more face-offs against second tier centres).

Once HHH realized that I was willing to carry the team on my back, he withdrew his trade request.  He decided to hitch his wagon to me and follow me back to the Founder's Cup.


2. Can you say that Yukon has the chance for the championship?


The future is uncertain.  What I can say is that we are in a much better position than we were.  Rumours of a HHH trade hit the locker room hard.  I spoke up. (*Note: it's in the team discord chat*)  The first year players picked their game up, the GM was magically cured and out of his bed.  I think this is the highest we have been in the standings since the first day.  The complaining in the locker room has quieted down, by that I mean the rookies knew their place now and realize that they don't deserve top line minutes if they aren't up to snuff. 


So do we have a chance? Yes, we are in a playoff position, once you get in all you need is me, which by the way, the other teams don't have.


3. Are you confident Yukon can make the playoffs?


We came in with me and HHH as the team leaders.  HHH tried to bolt.  He was full of himself.  I have just as many assists as he does, and I'm pretty sure not even half of them are his goals.  The rookies wanted top line minutes then complained when we lost with them as a top line forward.  They need to grow up and know their role.  Have we become a better team since I took the captaincy from Paul Levesque?  Yes.  Are we good enough to finish strong? Yes.  Are we going to make the playoffs? I don't know.  The people who put this team together kind of aided in shooting ourselves in the foot.  We have a hole to dig out of, and I'm doing all that I can.


4. Is the any rivalry with Teagan Glover?


Who? Oh you mean a center that is on the 21s who started off as THE team to beat? The team that has faltered the last bit and given way to the Storm?  As opposed to me who has brought the Rush up from the basement of the VHLM? 


There's a "HUGE" rivalry there. *Matthews rolls his eyes*


5. Do you think Riga GM is too lazy to show up in discord and finally make own Riga LR there?


What do I care what the Riga GM does?  As long as he pays me and plays me, he can do whatever he wants with his 


6. Which team LR is more active, Vegas or Yukon?


Depends, Vegas was better on the forum, Yukon's is better on the discord *(note: neither is on both)* The youth have kept it interesting on Yukon, and so has some random GM that was probably head hunting some talent or was just getting board with her team.


@hedgehog337 (sorry late tagging, but better late than never) - ignore if you've already checked out the answers.)

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1. Since you are part of the Riga family, who are you looking forward to play with?


Shouldn't you be asking me who is looking forward to playing with me?  Whoever I play with will be better for it.


2. What are your short term goals in the VHL/VHLM?


Pick one.


3. Thoughts on the Islander fan's newfound hate on Tavares?


Who? The Islanders? Who are they? (Keep it to VHL/VHLM - my player doesn't respond to questions related to the real world, especially when looking at the rest of your questions)


4. Favourite Teammate?


What kind of question is that?  You really think you are getting some TPE for asking these garbage questions?  I'll tell you what.  Why don't you make like a tree and get out of here!


5. If you had to play in the CHL, which team would you play for?


What's the CHL?


7. Did you realize I skipped 6?


Did you realize that you probably aren't getting any TPE for these questions?


@SlapshotDragon (sorry late tagging, but better late than never) - ignore if you've already checked out the answers.)

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1) Who do you think will go 1st overall?


Sorry, I don't follow the draft that closely, especially since I'm not in it.  Otherwise I would have said me.


2) How do you feel about Yukons play this season?


It was rough.  We started out thinking positive.  But the new guys needed some seasoning and took the season to get things going.  By the playoffs we were rolling, but unfortunately, HHH decided to ride the season out after he didn't get the trade he requested.  

In the beginning there was also much 'entitlement'.  Many players thought they should be on the top line.  They didn't deserve to be there then.  I laid down the law and told them how it works.  They smartened up and by the end of the season, they were top line players.


3) Whats one thing Yukon needs to work on to make the playoffs/go for a playoff run?


HHH playing every game like it's game 2 of the semi-finals.  Seriously, as much as I bug the guy, if we want to go anywhere, he needs to put the points up.


4) Do you have any relation to the leafs Matthews in the NHL?


What's this NHL you talk about? (Anthony Matthews only answers in the VHL world, not real world stuff)


5) How do you feel about your performance as of late?


I feel great!  I was letting HHH take a more leadership role with the team.  Once it became apparent that he wasn't leadership material (all he ever did was turn the volume up on the locker room speakers), I took over that role.  I feel it's one that suited me more anyways.  Let him just do what he does and score, why worry about leading a locker room with speeches when you can just score a goal and do the same thing.


6) What line mate brings out the best of you on the ice? 


I hate to say this, but HHH.  On-ice he was great to play with.  Off-ice, he forced me out of my shell (by not being the leader we needed).


@leafssteen @Beaviss (just because I know you like it when I talk about HHH)

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