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The Scoringsonn Stories

11 Eleven

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Bjorn Scoringsonn, the 18 year old right wing prospect out of Iceland, looks to hit the ice and prove his family proud. A father and mother who both played professionally back in the Icelandic League, have backed Bjorn's decision to move across to North America with his eyes on becoming the family's first member to potentially crack the prestigious ranks of the VHL.


Scoringsson has a keen eye for the puck and has the speed and athleticism to back it up. Renowned for his ability to intercept passers from defenders, he can also use his speed and accuracy across the ice to lose his man and get open for the pass to promote the puck up the ice.


A tenacious player, Bjorn where's his heart on his sleeve, and always gives 100% on the ice. His relentless spirit when playing the game he loves earned him the nickname of the Reykjavik Rottweiler for his never say die attitude and feisty, competitive nature. Scoringsonn always leaves the ice near exhaustion, much to the delight of fans during his junior days in Iceland.


"I'm very excited for this new chapter in my life. Moving away from my home of Reykjavik will be a challenge but I'm excited to showcase what I can do out on the ice. I look forward to proving that one day I belong among the greats in the VHL."

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Bjorn has had mixed reviews so far in his short VHLM career: Philadelphia has had a tough road as a young, unproven squad and wins have been few and far between for them. Personally, Scoringsonn has had an up and down start to his season: he scored his first goal while the team lost, yet committed three penalties in a team win.


"Obviously it is frustrating as a young guy coming to a new city, a new country, and trying to fit into a different system. The coaches and players in the locker-room have been amazing for me so far as I'm getting used to the new routine. I'm sure my play will improve as I get more accustomed to the system in Philly, while also better understanding my teammates and how they like to play the game."


On the S67 draft:


"That is so far away, I'm just trying to do my best right here, right now. If working hard and learning from the coaches while a Reaper pay dividends later on in my career, then of course I'm happy. I think that is a natural by-product of working hard. I'm determined to be an all-time great, and that is a long, long road. First of all I have to produce right here in the VHLM."

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On Bjorns goals this off-season:


"Looking forward to going back to Iceland for a few weeks to catch up with friends and family. After a rough season where Philadelphia struggled in the VHLM, going back to my home and relieving some of that stress is just what the Doctor ordered. I'll be training with a view veteran VHL trainers to hone my craft: mainly looking at improving my defense and passing ability. Of course, my translator will be accompanying me yet again, as I look to continue to improve my ability to speak English."


Bjorn had a tremendous end to the season, and while it may have been a coincidence, a new pre-game routine might have found a place in Bjorn's pre-game plans moving forward.


"Yes, it's true, but I don't know how the media caught wind of that. The day of the game I go to a massage salon with my old teammate and now Magnus, and we get a massage and sauna. We just talk about the game, go over my matchups and try and visualise success. The massage helps loose me up and the sauna helps me feel totally refreshed."


We should hear more of Bjorn's name being mentioned in the media as the VHLM draft rapidly approaches. Little is known on his stock or even where he may end up, but Bjorn is excited about the future.


"I'm very excited, I feel like towards the end of last season I played some of the best hockey of my life. I'm looking forward to doing more of that and improving to an even better level of play. I feel like I can be one of the best young players in the VHL, and I'm eager to prove that."

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Bjorn on being scouted for the VHLM draft:


"It's something I'm used to, and honestly I hate it. I feel like it hampers my play out on the ice when I know I'm getting judged, you know one bad game or one mistake could be the difference between you going first overall, or fifth. It's something I know I have to get better at moving forward because pressure makes diamonds, and I want to be one of the best players the VHL has ever seen. I'll be glad when the scouting process is over, and I can just sit down and enjoy the experience of getting drafted."


Bjorn on potentially being drafted away from Philadelphia:


"I have thought about it with my family and friends, and even teammates. That is what makes it unique and gives the league more parity: we are only here for a set amount of time and then we potentially move on. With that being said, I know the Reapers own a lot of draft picks. I'd love to return to Philadelphia. They've helped me grow as a player and as a young man..but I know this a business and they have to make the right moves for their franchise. If I have to go elsewhere, I'll play my heart out and make that my new home. But Philly will always be special to me."


The VHLM draft is rapidly approaching, and speculation about Bjorn's stock will certainly be interesting to follow moving forward.



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On being back with Philadelphia:


"Going back to Philly at number 18 in the draft is a real blessing. The old me would have been a bit competitive and angry that so many guys were taken before me in the draft, but I believe this is where I really needed to play to develop my game and take it to the next level. The coaching staff and GM in Philadelphia are incredible people first and foremost, so its really thrilling to be able to return."


On expectations with Philadelphia selecting so many formidable players:


"I think we have the talent needed to really make a deep push into the playoffs. Obviously we haven't even had a single training session on the ice yet, but I am familiar with the guys the Reapers have picked and I can't wait to get on the ice with them. While we are talented individually, I think our biggest strength comes with our ability to play for each other."


On personal goals for the season:


"I want to be one of the best forwards in the VHLM, and I think I have the talent to do that. This will be a big season and it will help me prove myself as a great prospect as we look ahead to the VHL draft and beyond. I can't wait to get started and show everybody how I've been improving all aspects of my game"

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Bjorn on wanting to get started:


It's been one of the longest off-seasons for me. I've put the time in on the ice and in the weights room to try and take my game to the next level, and I feel like things are really coming together for me out there on the ice. We've got great fans here in Philly and I know missing the post-season last year was rough for them to have to go through, but I know this year they are going to love the Reapers squad. We are beyond excited to get things going. We are going to make the city forget about the bad times, that I promise.


On being named as part of the Reapers leadership group:


It's an immense honour to be part of the team's leadership moving forward. With Frostbeard as our captain I can't wait to get the season started. Knowing people have put their faith in me is a responsibility I don't take lightly, so I will have added motivation to perform when the games get under way. I think anything less than a Championship will be a disappointment for this team, and its something I know the playing group agrees with me on. We have immense talent on this roster and we are beyond eager to get out there and prove it to the city of Philadelphia.


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On the season so far:

"We've started off really well, and we are meeting the expectations we have set ourselves. Ottawa and Philly seem to be the teams to beat early on in the season, as many pundits have predicted. Our recent loss to the Marlins was a bit of a shock and honestly we seemed under prepared, and maybe that was due to the fact we beat them pretty easily in our last match up. It goes to show how competitive the VHLM is at the moment: any team can beat any team on a given night. It definitely makes the games more exciting."

On his own play as a leading right winger for the Reapers:

"I've had an up and down start to the season. Some games I can be on fire, and the puck feels great in front of my skates. Other games I feel like I'm just out there making up numbers and I'm not contributing. I think I need to find a level of consistency that I can work towards to help our team really separate from Ottawa moving forward. I need to be comfortable having pointless games, and to remind myself its my role on the team to be super aggressive and continually looking to punish the opposition."

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@11 Eleven A good thing to remember is that any team can win when we step out on the ice. Win or lose I am so proud of our teams performances thus far. We are all putting in the work and it shows. I have no doubt you will just get better and better! 


Cheers to one of the fan favs of Philly!

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Bjorn Scoringsonn has been selected to play for Team Europe in the upcoming World Junior tournament. We caught up with the fresh-faced winger for the Philadelphia Reapers to get his response to the selection:


"I'm beyond excited to be able to represent Iceland when I step out on the ice for Team Europe. It's something I've always envisioned myself doing, and it's just a testament to my hard work and dedication. I'll always play that little bit harder when I have the Icelandic flag stitched across the heart of my jersey. Here's hoping Team Europe can continue the success of past teams and show the rest of the world just how good Europeans are."


As the season continues for the Reapers, you have been generating a lot of buzz as a potential high pick in the upcoming draft. How do you stay level-headed?


"It's difficult to drown out the noise but we all know the VHL is there for those who are talented enough to make it. I'm here to show people that I'm one of the best players in my class, and I'm ready to contribute in the next level. The best way I can drown out the noise is just to play good hockey, and let my play do the talking."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Controversy has struck the Philadelphia Reapers, with young winger Bjorn Scoringsonn caught roaming the streets of Ottawa half naked and drunk during the team's off week recently. Many of the team's fans were present and caught high-fiving the young Icelandic player after the team's game on the weekend. The shirtless Scoringsonn was seen singing "We are the Champions" along with a colourful medley of Queen songs, after reportedly finally seeing Bohemian Rhapsody.


"I'd like to apologise to my family, friends and the Reapers organisation. Truth be told, it was the first time I've drunk alcohol since the legal age in Canada is lower than it is in the states. We were out celebrating as a team and well, I think I crossed a few lines and didn't look back. If I had my time again I would have obviously drunk in moderation and most importantly, kept my shirt on at the establishments I had visited. I'm not proud of my actions and I hope you can all forgive me."


Not much is known on how the Philadelphia Front Office will react to these latest claims and vision, yet you could realistically expect there to be penalties and fines handed down to young Scoringsonn. Whatever the end result, some lucky fans in Ottawa got to spend some quality time with one of the league's young stars.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Scoringsonn has been crucial off the bench for the Philadelphia Reapers this season, providing spark and energy when he hits the ice. It had been a difficult transition for the young Icelandic Superstar, used to playing big minutes, but as his game has matured, so has he as a person.

"I do whatever my Coach and GM ask of me when I'm out there. There's more to hockey than individual stats and I'm blessed to be able to play for Philadelphia and hopefully help contribute to a deep playoff run. We've got the guys capable of winning it all, and I'm just excited to improve and showcase my talent as the VHL draft approaches. I'm here to win, and that's that."

On who the Reapers' most tough competition will come from:

"Halifax has been an incredible team in the regular season. Like us, they ended the season on a high note and put together a string of wins to cement themselves as the second seed in the playoffs, so you can tell just how hungry they are for that title. Playing against them and the likes of Gaudette, Axelsen, Passerelli and Burn will really test myself out on the wings. They play an uptempo and exciting brand of hockey and I'd love to play up against them in a best of seven down the line."

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Scoringsonn on making it to the finals:

I couldn't be prouder of the boys. We did all the hard work, had a lot of doubters coming off a disappointing season last year. We definitely have what it takes to lift that trophy, but even getting to this point has been an incredible achievement. This is the best team, both on and off the ice, I've ever been involved with, and I want that last memory with this team to be celebrating a championship win.

On what it will take to win it all against Ottawa:

We have to make sure we pay them the respect they deserve. I was expecting to be facing off against Halifax after the regular season ended, but Ottawa is a very worthy opponent. I'll be scouting their dynamic wings very heavily -- our team and front office is great with providing players with film to study the opposition team. Proving myself as an elite player in the finals of the VHLM will go a long way to improving my draft stock, so there is even more added motivation to come out strong against Ottawa and win it all with Philadelphia. Above all else, the Reapers gave a kid from Iceland a shot, and I want to repay them with a Championship.

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Scoringsonn on being a VHLM Champion:

Raising the Founders Cup was one of the proudest moments of my young life so far. Going out there and competing in practice and in games with the Reapers is something I'll never forget. We really worked our asses off all year, starting weeks before any preseason games even started. We were always out on the ice, or in the gym, dedicated to each other and to Philadelphia to deliver the best season we possibly could. Nobody expected much from us considering how last season went, but man, we proved the doubters wrong. We can call ourselves champions forever, and what's best, we did it as a complete unit.

On being named a finalist for Playoff MVP:

It's an incredible honour to be named as a finalist for such a prestigious award. To be singled out in a team of champions, just even to be nominated, it's an unbelievable personal achievement. I'm personally proud of myself that I played my best hockey when it mattered the most and that I was able to come through for my teammates. I'm more proud of Walter for winning the award and leading us from the front all season long -- it couldn't have gone to a better player or leader.

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  • 1 month later...

On Davos' season so far:


"Sitting at 17-20 is a good start for Davos so far this year. We are incorporating a lot of younger guys, and after a pretty big S67 draft, we are finding out just how much of a jump it has been from the VHLM to VHL. We have the talent to definitely make a push towards the playoffs, and I'm excited to see how we can progress as a team as the season goes on. I think a lot of people underestimate us as a young, inexperienced team, but I feel like we have the pieces necessary to shock the VHL community. I'm excited to keep working."


On his own play in his rookie season:


"I'm happy with how I've been playing as a member of the Dynamo. Most of my skillset in the VHLM ranks for the Reapers was focused on my ability to score the puck, but on Davos, with talent everywhere, I came in and focused on other aspects of my game. I'm a better distributor now, and physically I feel as if my strength and skating has finally caught up to where my scoring has been. I'm very happy with my progress so far in my young career."

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  • 5 weeks later...

Bjorn Scoringsson came into his rookie season in the VHL with subdued expectations. The Right Winger from the Philadelphia Reapers was taken 9th overall, higher than many had predicted originally. His rookie season was moderately successful, registering 39 points (17 goals, 22 assists) as Davos failed to make the post-season. We caught up with the Icelandic star to get his own thoughts on how the season had played out.


"It was a great year for my own personal development. We have a great group of guys in Davos and it really shows out on the ice with our chemistry and the way we share the puck. What many people fail to see is that we have a young core and will continually improve with more time growing as a group, and I have no doubt we'll be back in the playoffs sooner than later."


"As for my own play, I was pretty happy overall. I came into the VHL as a scorer -- I've been a scorer my whole life. Now that I'm playing with elite guys, I know I needed to get better at passing. I think it's the first time in my career that I've had more assists than goals and it's certainly something I'll look to continue to do moving forward. I'm excited to head into year two with all the growth I've had as Davos looks for a playoff berth next season."

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  • 1 month later...

A lot has been said recently about the hype and praise Bjorn Scoringsson got as a member of the Philadelphia Reapers. Bjorn made a splash coming into the VHLM and many expected him to have an All-Star level career, particularly with the rate in which his numbers improved for the Reapers as time progressed. While Scoringsson has had a modest young career, there have been those members of the media who believe Bjorn has fallen behind many of his contemporaries from his draft class.


"I can appreciate that many people think I would be player better or living up to the hype that comes with being drafted ninth overall. I've fallen short of my own lofty expectations so far in my young career, but that is exactly what it is: young. There is still time for me to find my feet out there as a member of the Dynamo, and I know my coaches and my GM still believe in me."


"I'm excited for the future as I continue to get more experienced with my teammates, the training regime I'm on, and most of all the travel. Travelling to a new city every couple of nights on the road has taken it's toll on me, and it's no surprise I'm a better play back in Davos where I'm in my own bed. I'm choosing to ignore the critics and focus on hockey the way I was raised to play it: fair, hard and till the whistle blows."

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