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Peace 'loving' Davos' trades this off-season.


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DAVOS, SWITZERLAND -- The off season has kicked off, and in the last couple of days the HC Davos Dynamo have made some transactions - and quite significantly too - as the team builds to be competitive for the upcoming season. GM Glade traded away Connor McDavid, Cayden Saint, three first round draft picks and a second round draft pick to pull in Ryuu Crimson (@SlapshotDragon), Shawn Glade (@ShawnGlade) and Veran Dragomir (@Velevra). 

Ryuu Crimson comes from Riga Reign as the teams top left wing, flanking the teams allstar duo of Past and Preencarnation. Playing with the duo drastically improved his success as a player, and the league witnessed as Crimson become more competitive as a result. The Asian left winger enjoyed the best season in his career so far, scoring forty one goals while adding forty eight helpers for an impressive eighty nine points in his third season. Crimson is - technically - more skilled than Dahlberg, so it'll be interesting to see where he lands on the Davos depth chart. One thing is for sure though, Davos has added a guaranteed goal scorer, but the truth about guarantees is they're not always guaranteed... queue 'The Real Deal' James Neal. 

Shawn Glade - also from Riga as one of the Reigns top defenders - joins Davos' depth chart as their new number one defender according to VHLSALARY.FAKEWEBSITE.COM; Shawn Glade is the GM of the Davos team, so everyone now has the anticipated expectation to give one hundred and twenty percent every shift, every time, be it on or off the ice in order to improve the Dynamo's reputation after a couple difficult seasons. The pressure to perform night in and out will be exhausting for the players, but as a result the team will be far more competitive than prior efforts, and the fans are excited. 

Finally, Veran Dragomir lands in Davos to finish his league mandated eight year career, despite clearly being prepared and willing to play further into his career despite the 'regression' players naturally go through after nearly a decade of hockey. Dragomir has two seasons left in the proverbial 'tank', much to his fans disappointment, just as the left winger is coming off his career best season to date with the Seattle Bears. The Romanian player notched one hundred and twenty points - fifty five goals and sixty five assists - in a season where the leagues offense was heightened and multiple players broke the triple digit mark. Dragomir significantly reinforces Davos' offensive abilities, and he's defensively sound too, and immediately makes the HC Davos Dynamo a more competitive club without factoring in other moves. 

"I'm excited," Peace announced on his Twitter. "Welcome to Davos, gentlemen!" 

We contacted Peace for an interview and he obliged, although we had to conduct our interview over our digital network. He called in and we asked some questions. 

"I'm extremely excited, loving the moves Shawn is making and I fully expect Davos to not only compete for the championship, but win it quickly too - I know, pretty high expectations but we've got that calibre now to succeed." Peace said. Remember folks, Peace was on the Riga Reign when they were expected to go the distance before loosing in seven in their first round. Peace had four points in that run. "I've won a championship with Saskatoon, and I'm hungry for another with Davos. I'm entirely confident in this new identity we have and I'm certain we'll be a upper echelon team for a while."


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