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Claimed:Claimed:Waking up In Chicago


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Jakob Linholm, Currently playing with the Minot Gladiators of the VHLM, has not been seen this week.


Its never a good thing for a team when one of their star players does not seem to be taking full advantage of his practice hours. It's also never a good thing when it happens to a player who is known to get as much practice as he can early in the week. That was what had happened to Jakob Linholm this week, as he has waited until late in the week to finally show up for a majority of the practice hours he is eligible for.


"I'll admit there was a small chance that I would have needed to go on the welfare system this week, It's been rough. Life as a young superstar can get a bit stressful and I wasn't entirely sure how to handle all the pressure that came with it. I had to get away for a second and decided to take this opportunity to get some advice from another young superstar."


It turns out that Linholm found a mentor, and a friend, in a city far away from where he plays. In order to get the advice that he needed, the young swede had to go all the way to Chicago. Whats in Chicago you may be asking. Well, as Linholm found out, there is a bunch of strip clubs and a bunch of bars.


"When I first got a hold of Kaner, he just said I should come to Chicago for a bit of a vacation and get some time to clear my head. I thought that we would just be talking about hockey and being a young star. I guess you could say I was very, very wrong."



Notorious booze-hound Patrick Kane doing his Signature "I'm not that Drunk, Its only water I swear" walk


Linholm turned out to be very wrong indeed. He ended up being apart of the latest Patrick Kane Booze-fest that led him to get lost for most of the week. It was a week that was filled with strippers and copious amounts of alcohol being ingested. The funny thing about this boozey-adventure was that both players not only managed to get to their games over the week, but they still managed to perform.


"I honestly don't even remember playing any games this week, I really hope we won because I would hate to be the reason for the team to start losing. We have a great group of guys so I know that even if I'm not performing, the rest of the team has the talent to pick up the slack"


I'm sure the team doesn't want these boozey adventures to become a constantly occurring thing. Linholm's reputation around the league is one of a hard-working individual who always puts the team first and this is definitely out of the ordinary for him. The stress and constantly being under the spotlight may be getting to the young swede. When he was asked if there would be more of these, Linholm had this too say.


"Well kaners a pretty fun guy and I had a ton of fun doing it. The team will always be my highest priority, but have you seen some of those strippers?"



Were not that drunk!


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Guest Svoboda_3

Content: 3/3

549 words. This appeared rushed and while it wasn't bad aside from the grammar, it just was sloppy.

Grammar: 1.5/2

Quite a bit and most of these are things that you capitalized that didn't require it.


Currently = currently

It's = it's

swede = Swede (x2)

Whats in Chicago you may ask. = What's in Chicago you may ask?

Drunk = drunk

Signature = signature

apart = a part
Booze = booze

week, = week;

pick up the slack" = pick up the slack."

too say = to say

kaners = Kaners

Were not that drunk = We're not that drunk

Appearance: 1/1

Color, pictures etc.

Overall: 5.5/6

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Content: 3/3 - Definitely one of the more amusing stories this week. I for one did not mind the no-show by Katy Perry. Totally ok with that and the fact that you got in a media spot as opposed to welfare. 'Tis the season for buzzer beaters!
Grammar: 1.5/2 - I concur with Slobo here, he sure makes my job easy sometimes.
Appearance: 1/1 - Absolutely, mon ami.
Overall: 5.5/6 - You still get the six, no worries!
FINAL: 6/6
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