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Clown of the year


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This year, VSN will be doing something a little special, awarding the S66 Member of the Year later this week. However, with every good member, we have your local clowns. Lets see the nominees.






Nyko is widely known as a fool, so his nomination shouldn't be a surprise. Gaudette forced a trade from Davos because Nyko was, and I quote

"Thank fucking god I wouldn't be able to stay on a team with a fucking Nyko he's so immature and a locker room cancer from my training camp time there never again. When I see him on the ice he will be knocked out dead I can't stand him that much Nyko I'm coming for you."



Hulk Hogan also enjoys acting foolish. Recently, Hogan appeared in Ottawa for game six, even though his team had been eliminated. What makes it worse is that the game would have been in Mississauga, so double wrong on that one. He also lives in a house with Doug supposedly, which makes you an auto clown. I'm in Dougs Rectum so I guess I can't really say much about that.


Doug is our final nominee. Do I even need to explain? His influence on the community goes without saying, and his antics will live on in VHL lore forever. (at least as long as me and Hogan are around, no one will ever forget about Doug)


The Clown of the year goes too.....




Congrats bud! You earned it!



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