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Entire Malmo team visits Swamp God Shrek


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The Malmo Nighthawks took the time out of their day to head westward for a swamp that many are to afraid to enter. Shrek, the swamp god, greeted them with open arms. Shrek is actually a big hockey guy, and loves watching the Nighthawks play. "I especially love Morpheus, or however you say his name. He hits people and breaks their bones. Guys like him make me think I could have a shot at the VHL" 


As we all know, Shrek would dominate all competition, and the VHL actually banned him from playing in the league, but no one ever told him, and when he went undrafted, he simply retired. He enjoys the quiet life in the swamp alongside his wife Fiona, although sometimes his noisy friend Donkey comes along. The Nighthawks have even considered employing Shrek as the team mascot. It would totally make sense, he's green already. Just put a bird hat on him and it's perfect.


161 words



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