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When I´m thinking about Helsinki Titans, such words and terms like skill, dedication, and likability are heavily overshadowed by luck, biased referees and a favorable schedule. If you stand in a street corner somewhere in Helsinki for three hours - almost a miracle if you find someone who is openly willing to admit they are a fan of the Helsinki Titans. Not a surprise to those who have watched Helsinki Titans home games, often empty stands and what makes the quality of the games even worse is the ice.


To add favorable advantage to their team - they are using cow urine mixed with salt water to make the ice, so the smell is noticeable and ice is not as fast as in most of the arenas.


The hatred towards Titans in Finland has a long history, starting from the player's ability to speak Finnish. 99% refuse to learn it, which only creates a bigger gap between the fans and the team. Then there is the openly racist draft policy towards Finnish players - the management refuses to draft a Finnish born player if there is any way they can avoid it. There is nothing that makes Helsinki Titans management more happy than seeing Finnish hockey suffer.


Helsinki Titans - a team that is easy to hate and hard to like.


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