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It´s late afternoon, I´m coming home after morning practice - you know the season is starting soon when they make you skate in the mornings. As I´m about to enter my apartment,  I struggle to open the door - exhausted and also the awards I won are still on the floor near the door blocking an easy entry. I really should find a place for those.


After finally getting inside, I put my stuff down and go sit on the couch. Time to relax for a couple of hours, the coaches said we are going to skate again in the evening, so I need to eat well and rest.  Grueling skating session left me feeling gassed both physically and mentally, the physical side is easy to fix, eat well and rest. Mental is trickier, everybody has their ways to handle it, for me nothing works as well as taking a look at my stats in VHLportal.


Admiring the season 67 stats for couple minutes gave me the boost to get up and walk into the kitchen - time to eat. For the longest time now I have tried to make my food at home instead of maybe ordering something in or going out to eat, saves me money and also I know what goes inside of my body.




Now, I´m not much of a cook obviously and to be fair the last couple years I have been on an organic and natural diet, not that much cooking is involved. Recently retired Beau Louth introduced me to eating everything raw, he does not even bake his bread - just eats the dough. Said he is raw like that.


There has to be something in the whole eating raw way, I mean look at Beau - he was like 55 when he retired. How can anyone play in VHL at that age? And it was not like he slowed down towards the end either. Personally, after starting the raw diet I had two of my best seasons, I feel like I can do everything I want on the ice from start to the end.  Results have been more than promising, I´m planning on staying on this diet at least as long as I´m playing in VHL.


To those who are interested, I eat 400 grams of raw minced meat with 8 egg whites every day, 200 grams and 4 egg whites in the morning, another similar set as dinner. Between meals I usually eat a lot of nuts, fruits, and vegetables, Louth was a huge mushroom eater, but I don´t really care for them, quite expensive and also the texture is really off-putting, Louth went deep into the woods and collected them by himself, so if you have the money and/or willingness to pick them - I recommend trying them out.


If you are thinking about trying a raw diet, don´t jump into the deep end right away and go all in, for example, start with adding more vegetables and nuts into your diet, easy way to start it all.

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I wish there were more articles discussing off-the-ice, non hockey-related topics like this. I think it's a quaint, funny little article that still has relevance to the VHL but isn't all about it.



Mental is trickier, everybody has their ways to handle it, for me nothing works as well as taking a look at my stats in VHLportal.

not me_irl. For pacing purposes, I might rephrase this: "Mental [fatigue] is trickier. Everybody has their ways to handle it - but for me, nothing works as well as taking a look at my stats in VHLportal," but this is more a personal stylistic preference on my part than a hard requirement.



I mean look at Beau - he was like 55 when he retired. How can anyone play in VHL at that age?

55 in dog years. @Beaviss knows Beau is the best boy.

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