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I'm looking out for a Faroe


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Recently the VHLM was graced with it’s 3rd player from the Faroe Islands. Aleksandra Olsen is the latest defender to come out of the island. I hadn’t even heard of the Faroe Islands before Olsen stepped onto the scene. So I decided to see if the Islands had any history in the VHL and sure enough it does. Not too long ago, in season 66, the Faroe Islands produced Aron Nielsen. Nealson was picked up by Otawa late in season 64 and really didn’t make much of an impact. But the next season he put up an impressive 66 points in Minnesota. That stand out season led to him being drafted 8th overall in season 66. His first season for Riga only earned him a decent 34 points. Things haven’t gotten any better since then. Nealson has only put up 30 points in this season and his previous season combined.


Which brings me to the big question here. Do we think Aleksandra Olsen can become the best VHL player from the Faroe Islands. While Nealson’s career is still going it seems he’s starting to burn out. It will be interesting to see if a new top player can emerge from the Faroe Islands and become a hometown hero.


@GlowyGoat @solas

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I remember when Aron Nielsen was considered a better prospect than Jerry Garcia.


I wish @solas would make a comeback, but every now and then I get a big reminder of how much things have changed in just the short time I've been here.

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