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Wilcox is getting restless!

Dalton Wilcox

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With the brink of the S69 (nice) on the way, Wilcox.  He's been sitting and waiting since his team, the New York Americans did not make the playoffs in S68.  He narrowly missed the cut for Team World at the world cup, and watched them from the sidelines.  Needless to say, Wilcox is chomping at the bit to get back into game action.


"Yeah it's been tough having not played any competitive hockey games for a few weeks now.  I"ve kept myself in shape but I also took time away from the game.


Am I disappointed that I didn't make Team World?  Yes, but it is what it is and I wish their players all the best.


I am back now, focused and ready to compete for the Continental Cup with the New York Americans.  We have a ton of young talent who I feel are going to surprise a lot of people in this league.


I'm looking forward to S69 (nice) getting started so we can kick some ass."

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