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I am choosing to write a vhl.com article a week now due to the fact that it allows me to feel more involved. I have been working in the background with a lot of things for a while now and while those are great it does lose something when I am not as active in the threads writing or talking. I still have a bunch of jobs and projects that I am working on but I am trying to make it easier on updaters as well as critics of the recruitment team getting 12 tpe automatically.


I love updating but honestly I need to relax at times with it. In the past I literally would have the update screen on my laptop at all times refreshing every couple mins and approving or correcting as soon as I can get my hands on them. Im going to try and set a limit on myself. The last few days I think have been a good compromise. When I get into work and am just getting warmed up for the day I spend like an hour going though as many updates as I can. Then at lunch since I'm fasting most days at lunch time I will probably do 30 mins than relax, and probably do another 30-60 mins later in the night depending on the queue. 


So I got selected again and we are doing great with it. 4 of the 5 GM's are in our discord, the eligibility list is done and 1 team is already done. things are going smoothly. I think we have the simmer set up just working on a time frame so that it can be more smooth next week. Hopefully this season goes a lot smoother and doesn't lose its momentum since It was ultimately my fault for not securing the simmer last season. Only I can be blamed for that but it was my first time I'm glad I got a second chance to remedy it. 


Got a request for my amazing programming skill to make something for the vsn. Work and life have been busy and I just got off vacation but I still think I can deliver something that will be helpful to them and hopefully I have some time this week to work on and possibly finish at least the team part. The player part will take more time but I think will be an amazing addition to both the vsn and possbily the vhlm mag.

VHLM Mag: 

I dropped the ball on this one but I think with some new tweaks this will be a good thing that will be able to be setup and run weekly soon.

Draft rankings public:

Honestly with the changes in the portal my old code that just scrapped the leaderboard broke so hard. I got it working with the API but the issue is some of the data that I was getting from scrapping is not in the API. Hopefully it will be soon but honestly I can grab that data like I did before and soon will be getting the past draft classes set up again soon. I know a lot of people like those.

Draft helper Private: 

Still working on a project that will help gm's of both leagues draft and be more informed when it comes to their pick. This is on the back burner since it only helps a few people and truth be told they have been doing a great job in the past and my thing will be just helpful not ground breaking.


If you actually read this thanks. but honestly if no one else does its just good to get this off my chest. Hopefully some of the next weeks updates will have more wins than loses but we will see.

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5 minutes ago, rjfryman said:


I love updating but honestly I need to relax at times with it. In the past I literally would have the update screen on my laptop at all times refreshing every couple mins and approving or correcting as soon as I can get my hands on them. Im going to try and set a limit on myself. The last few days I think have been a good compromise. When I get into work and am just getting warmed up for the day I spend like an hour going though as many updates as I can. Then at lunch since I'm fasting most days at lunch time I will probably do 30 mins than relax, and probably do another 30-60 mins later in the night depending on the queue. 


This is your chill solution? You're an animal.

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