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So another week and another chance to just write and share what is going on in the world of rjfryman.



still one of the best things about my jobs. I can just put on a good album and get into zen. Things got interesting with the recreates this time. Had to do some math with a couple of players to help them get the tpe they earned in a past life while not giving them a crazy leg up from work they did in the past and not giving it to them in the new character. I feel like the boundaries I am setting for myself is helping me not get burned out with updating and helping have more time for other activities/jobs I have in the VHL. Good report with this. Still feel like I am pulling my weight and earning the full 3 tpe.


This has been much better than last season. We have a great simmer in josh and that has helped when I know things will get done when they need to be done. We have had and continue to have great coverage from the vsn. that has been a great improvement next season. things that i feel like i need to improve on for next season if i am given the opportunity again. i need to get a better schedule and expectations from all parties involved before we start the selection process so that everyone who has a role can either confirm that they are able to meet all expectations including what enough hype to hopefully make this a tournament that more people are talking about or at least excited about. I think once people start to realize that we want this to be a great thing and are showing that we are growing people into gm's who can take on real teams they might see that it is more than just a gimic or just another meaningless tournament but something that can help grow our members and maybe bring some from the brink back. Either way I feel like I am improving in my wjc commissioners roles more and more and that I am earning the full amount. I just have to say acyd has been one of the best co-commissioners to have since he helps so much and is able to help me think about things in a different way and hopefully will lead to a better wjc future.


I am still super excited about how the vsn is running right now and since i have more time with limiting myself to only updating during certain hours it has helped me work on things for them and anyone to use for the future. I hope to be releasing something for them this weekend. hopefully when it launches it can be useful to them.

Draft Rankings:

Just launched season 71 and it looks to be a fun race for 1st overall. I need to fix the last bit of code holding me back from relaunching past seasons. But hopefully that will be back soon.


Honestly this one is super hard for me since often times there is nothing new to talk about and with the addition of vsn campells corner some of the news of the vhlm is there. Im not entirely sure what to do with the mag. I need to release another one soon but im wondering about making an application that will do most of the work and then just doing it weekly after i do the vhlm presser.

Draft Helpers:

Still not huge strides with this I need to focus on one thing than just start crossing things off my dev list.

New fun data driven tools:

So along with draft helper the draft ranking the app to make the mag since i am grabbing so much info from the api it makes sense to do some cool stuff with it. I messed around with some elo stuff and made a sample graphic that is also interactive that i think people who are interested in that will get a kick out of. Either way I need to start getting list and just doing one thing at a time. Sometimes with tech its hard to do just one thing especially since this is all a hobby and i just want to mess around with cool tech sometimes.



For the first time in a long time Freeman is actually doing well and not just a hot start. He has a chance at maybe some awards or even like the goals race. Not that individual performance is the most important but it does make me feel better that all this work is finally paying off.



My brother is out of the hospital and is doing much better. He is doing rehab and is having trouble with nerve damage but if he keeps it up it should be better. 

Mother-in-law is starting chemo today so hopefully she doesn't struggle to much with it. We are visiting them this weekend and I hope that she recovers from the chemo since my wife is wanting to spend some time with her and maybe go to a baking class with her mom.


Again if you actually read thanks for your time. I have no idea why you want to read my ramblings. I am excited to share what is going on with myself and just being more active with the league in more than just the background. If you did make it this far i am interested in which project you think should be highest on the list if I were to make one?



Edited by rjfryman
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30 minutes ago, rjfryman said:

Had to do some math with a couple of players to help them get the tpe they earned in a past life while not giving them a crazy leg up from work they did in the past and not giving it to them in the new character.

Is this a shot at me???

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