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Unsung Hero: Prague


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Unsung Hero: Prague


What is an unsung hero? An unsung hero is someone who shows up, does his job, doesn't give any excuses, and leaves. An unsung hero doesn't warrant praise, nor does he need it. An unsung hero only does what he does because it ought to be done, and without that, the gears of the team do not turn. An unsung hero takes criticism in stride, he listens, and if it is good criticism, he takes it. If not, respect is shown and moves on. He takes a loss the same way he takes a win, he treats it as another day in the office, or in this case, the ice. The unsung hero can run on empty for days knowing he is doing his best to give his team a good shot in the game. That's all you can really ask for from a player. A rather stoic bunch of characteristics that boost a hockey team, and nobody notices. But I do.




The Unsung Hero of Prague this season is Solomon Crawford. You may be confused, maybe even hysterical. This goalie has played 22 games and posted a 4-14-1 record with a 4.31 GAA, thats no unsung hero! Owen May has way better stats! But I have seen the other half, the work being put in despite the harsh criticism from the league, the naysayers, and the rest. The criticism being soaked in and used to improve. The zero excuses given on account of a bad year for Prague all around. It is easy to turn around to the puck stopper and blame it on him with how the season is going so far. But Prague is not ready, already missing the playoffs for this season, and there is nothing to do but improve at this point. Crawford is someone who in the locker room, tends to keep to himself and do his rituals. I never catch him chatting, unless he is spoken to, and even then it is a short conversation. He knows it's a bad year, but still has not given a single excuse, if anything, takes the undeserved full blame for the season. For Owen May hasn't been all here this year, and has hit a sort of plateau that he will for sure overcome, but leaving some time for Crawford to step up. To me, it doesn't matter if he's 4-14-1 or 19-0. It is the way he executes his game on a nightly basis, as I said before, without complaints. As easy as it is to blame a goalie for a goal, it is easy to blame a defender for missing his assignment, but not a word has been out of the mouth of Solomon and never will. He does his job, to the best of his ability, and leaves always ready to start the next game, doesn't matter if his team has no chance, he still gives his outright best every night, for the pride of the team. A truly admirable man if I do say so myself.


Thanks for reading, and you da man @AndrewWarren13







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8 minutes ago, Cxsquared said:

Corey who?

It's that one fake player that someone made in the NHL website where they simulate hockey. Kinda weird to be honest but that's Corey Crawford.

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